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#GoldenRetriever #Puppy #Dog
God said
I need somebody strong enough to pull sleds
and find bombs,
yet gentle enough to love babies
and lead the blind.
So God made a Dog
I just love this and Dad being in it so much warms my heart. What a beautiful video. Thank you!!❤️❤️❤️
First day our dog, Finn, was dropped at our house, he ran to me in thr back of the yard. He wanted to meet everyone and snuffel them. On that day, he charmed my sisters (who had a deadly fear of dogs) into Loving himd.
"You can think I lie, but you can't be my friend…" Literally, SFO
I think goldens have twice the heart and souls that we humans have. My Percy sure has. Other dogs only get 1.5 x the human allotment. Except for my collie Nux. She was an honorary retriever.
I protecc, i attacc anyone who bothers my little baby. Beautiful, I've had a few goldens. Definitely characters. Protectors , love bugs. My last one was a very long, lanky goldie, exactly this color. Love you Simba, one of the goodest boys. I was a dog groomer and he would always come in covered in poop or stuck in a crate at home. The husband was very cruel to him, wife and daughter were very loving towards him but couldn't care for him properly so she asked if i could find him a home. I found him one. With me❤❤❤
Oh qué ternura de perrito😍
Thanks for sharing!😊😊
Nice house, I wonder what the husband does for work?
Nothing on earth is like a dog
So beautiful.. remember always make the baby a positive to the dog. 😊❤
She is the most beautiful newborn I have ever seen. ❤
❤this is so AWESOME ❤!! They are gonna grow up together and that pup is gonna be very protective of the new addition to the family, you can count on it! Don't be surprised if the pup wants to sleep next to baby's bed every night.❤❤❤❤❤
What a sweet dog ❤
and god said let us send them without wings so none suspect they are angels
Sweethaert❤ what a loving sweet dog
❤ beautiful, just beautiful ❤
Can’t press like
That’s a teddy bear nice try
Sweet 🥰😍😘💖💗💞😊
This is the most beautiful video I have seen so far!❤️🙏💕❤️
I wish our pets can live with us forever…🥹
Oh! My heart! 🥲🫠
Letting Lady sniff the baby clothes/blanket before introducing her is incredibly smart
Dogs are amazing animals.
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