Fortnite Juice Wrld Chapter 2 Remix gameplay with Typical Gamer!
RSVP to my wedding livestream at https://andresamara.com
⚡️PLAY THE PIT OF LEGENDS ► 5629-1247-4118 (Or Search JOGO)
🔴 PLAY SUPER RED vs BLUE ► 2786-2114-8349
🔵 PLAY SUPER RED vs BLUE – ZERO BUILD ► 2037-4314-7548
🚀 PLAY ONLYUP TIME TRAVEL ► 5264-1761-9807
🧸 PLAY TOY BED WARS ► 5471-4550-8290
🥜 PLAY FORTNUT GUN GAME ► 8500-5091-3965
💥 PLAY RANKED BOX PVP ► 5178-8855-9263
❤️ Make sure to FAVORITE and LIKE the maps if you enjoy them!
Use my Support a Creator code “TypicalGamer” in the Fortnite item shop if you’d like to support me! (Epic Partner)
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/tgelite
Buy my Merch: https://typical.store
Follow me on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/typicalgamer
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/typicalgamer
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com
In Fortnite I got 16 kills
and likeed
i subbed
Dear, TG plays. After many times asking can you please make a video of you l playing a full game but you are 1 hp the entire time. So can you please try to do it or a version of if. Thanks
Why bother lobbies?
I been finding the chug cannon everywhere 👍
They need to bring back a real legend like 2 pac. Who is juice world🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Typical gamer needs a Fornite skin
You expire me
We love Tg
Can you gift me a skin?
hey tg i really enjoy your vids. And can i ask for a something, my mom won't allow me me to use her credit card can you pls get me the battle pass. AND if u will help me here is my name DARKEYE1Q2.THANKS!
Fun fact: sky can go to your team if u rez her after u killed her
Me girlfriend
Charge shock gun or spas
Tg I killed you good but I’m better than you
Juice world sucks who’s with me?
Y’all how do u get juice wrld
How do you get JUICE WRLD, not the skin the actual juice wrld
I just subt
This is fired🎉
the veiws are crazy