Learn the boxing combo raw and effective self-defense techniques used by street fighters to protect themselves in real-life situations. This video/tutorial covers the essential skills you need to survive a street fight and skills
– Brutal counterattacks to take down your attacker
– Dirty fighting techniques to gain the upper hand
– Takedown defense to stop takedowns and get back to your feet
– Ground fighting to win fights from the ground position
– Multiple attacker defense to take down multiple attackers
Our expert instructor will guide you through intense training sessions, real-life scenario training, and slow-motion footage to help you master the techniques. Don’t wait until it’s too late – learn the skills you need to protect yourself on the streets.
This video/tutorial is perfect for:
– Street fight self-defense
– Self-defense against larger attackers
– Close quarters combat
– Practical self-defense
– Real-life self-defense
– Urban self-defense
Take your self-defense skills #fightingtechniques #mma #boxingtechnique @JhangirKickboxer
Very good technique 👍🥊
A música kkk
That was clean