Most Dangerous! Rivers overflows and floods destroyed disasters caught on camera

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Most dangerous Philippines Rivers overflowed and floods destroyed Bicol

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Hit moment 360 update weather news to get weather updates and live weather updates. Get local weather, extreme weather, typhoon, cyclone, hurricane, power outage, TV live weather updates on Hit moment 360 YouTube channel. This channel is a trusted repository of severe weather events such as natural disasters, storms, lightning, hail, severe weather warnings, tornadoes, catastrophic events, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, an earthquake, safe spaces, flood events, landslides, heavy rains.

🔴 Read the information: 👁‍🗨👁‍🗨👁‍🗨
A natural disaster is a catastrophic event caused by natural processes of the Earth that results in significant damage, destruction, or loss of life. These events can occur suddenly and can affect large areas, leading to devastating consequences for communities, infrastructure, and the environment.

Common types of natural disasters include:🔽🔽🔽
🔴 Earthquakes: Sudden shaking of the ground due to tectonic plate movements.
🔴 Floods: Overflow of water onto normally dry land, often due to heavy rain or storms.
🔴 Hurricanes/Typhoons/Cyclones: Powerful tropical storms with strong winds and heavy rain.
🔴 Tornadoes: Violently rotating columns of air extending from thunderstorms to the ground.
🔴 Volcanic Eruptions: Explosions or flows of lava, ash, and gases from volcanoes.
🔴 Wildfires: Uncontrolled fires that spread rapidly through vegetation.
🔴 Droughts: Extended periods of low rainfall, leading to water shortages.
🔴 Landslides: Movement of rock, soil, or debris down a slope due to gravity, often triggered by heavy rain or earthquakes.

Natural disasters can vary in scale and impact, but they often result in significant challenges for affected communities, including loss of life, property damage, and disruption of essential services.

🟥☑☑☑ important information: 👁‍🗨👁‍🗨👁‍🗨
Tune into the radio or TV to get weather updates (live weather updates). It is important to keep in mind the official updates from local weather bureaus and risk reduction councils. To prepare for any extreme weather like typhoons, cyclones, hurricanes storms, Stock up on groceries before the storm hits. There may be power outages so stock up on more gasoline for the generator. To tune in to the radio or TV. Live weather updates. Protect yourself during natural phenomena like storms, lightning, hail. Follow severe weather warnings like tornadoes, typhoons, cyclones, hurricanes. Stay safe during deadly events like earthquakes. If you receive an early warning of a tsunami caused by an earthquake, move to a safe place as soon as possible. Give priority to young children or the elderly. In case of flooding or landslides due to heavy rainfall, collect your essentials and move to a safe place. Never drive in flooded areas. Be careful during extreme cold, snowfall, fire or extreme heat. If you are safe during the said natural disaster, rush to help others only after the disaster subsides. rainfall, flooded areas, Be careful, extreme cold, snowfall, fire, extreme heat. natural disaster, rush to help.


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About the Author: Hit moment 360