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I Found a Secret Tribe!! 🤯
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About the Author: The Food Ranger
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Dude are you still in China or what?
Looks amazing.
What Happened To You Brother? You Used To Be One of The Top Food Vloggers in The World & Now You Hardly Upload Any Video 😢
Poor doggo 🐕 😮😢
Carrying around a whole lamb, munching on it whilst I take in the sights
looks like a doggo js
what is this?
Not sure that qualifies as street food trevor
Music sucks d**k
This brings back memories 😭 i used to watch his Pakistani and Indian food tours
Imagine having some American floating around you with a camera going WOWOWWOWOWOWOWOWWOWOWO
Dog meat 😮
I prefer food that isn't fake! This type of cooking is a good example of the opposite of what many 'ethnic' restaurants around the world offer. Some people seem to believe every style of cooking found on earth are represented by the restaurants of big cities like London, NYC and Tokyo. That's far from the truth. Just finding authentic Italian cooking is difficult in many of the world's largest cities.
Why the squirrely dude gotta talk and ruin the whole thing???? He needs to just shut up.
Delicious nutritious
OMG I miss your video! I hope everything is well for both of you, hoping to see update soon!