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#shorts #guzu #twitch
All neutral guards do this. I question if it is a bug
Seeing Zeroji is first to 60 kinda warms my heart cause he's the hunter that taught me and so many other hunters the best ways to solo DMN trib.
I died on my lvl 15 druid to that alliance patrol spawning on my head
i have die to the Nightelf patroll 2 times 😮 and 1 time to the Centaur pack crossing the road 😐
Yuo get 2 swiftness pot when you get that staff
im happy im not gay or else i would still be watching all this shit
Title is onlyfangs deaths… first vid no death, are you mentally challenged? Got the downs?
holy esfand is baad… and wtf is the rogue Lmgedx doing, have he heard of cheap shot ??? just running to a spell caster o.O
swifty, thats a name I haven't heard in a while.
Swifty! You're a rogue in enemy territory just go stealth for the love of shit bro
Dang dude I'm about to get started tomorrow. I thought I was gonna be alone guess not lol
Most of them are getting themselves killed lol I haven't played in a long time, but so much endless dumb shit. In a game genre like an mmo, you've gotta be beyond careful and remember RNG plays a massive role.
A lot of these streamers seem like they aren't really wow players, lol. some of these mistakes had me screaming at the screen
every death is over 25 k viewers live istant, i doubt someone actually reach 60 without dieying every 2 level
Sucks what happened to amphy though. He got robbed. Zeroji DOSed him probably.
honestly dont know how miz got so many viwers and subs, dude is straight up acoustic every time he plays wow.
Jesus, both Warlocks played so bad..😂
swifty should not play rogue if he didn't enter stealth the nanosecond he left combat
if only pikaboo knew how to pvp.
wtf is a tizzle tea ? I know plenty of swedish and dutch people and none of them say tizzle …………….its kinda like when you say vanilla properly 89 percent of the time then remember you are meant to have an accent and say van-ill- a
maybe the people that do only fangs should learn how to play wow first, they are all too used to being hard carried like asmongold to learn anything about the game, most of them werent even born when wow first released.
1:30 ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww emirus voice is so gross
"first" to 60 about 20 years too late……….herp derp no one cares literally
they shoud ban steamers for crying and asking for mas reports
Reaction videos are not content, its lazy,unimaginative work to just sit there and be "Ooh,Woo,Aah"
It's stupid and insulting.
Do something….
04:37 lol this guy is so dumb hahaha, no wonder, look at his previous char he keeps HS at '6' as keybinding, look at his KBs lol no controlover camera, giga noob.
They look like they're having so much fun! 😀
which server they playing ?
Most of these die to make content.. its kinda cringe..
I cannot believe how cursed Erobb is, he's like a god but his godlike ability is only to take the biggest L's for all eternity.
That wasnt griefing that was pure stupidity from mizkief. You don't just randomly hit mobs and pick up agrro from other people. Also calling for mass report like that should be bannable offence.
Miz actually holding emi back
I remember getting deleted by that alliance patrol leveling back in og Wrath. Some things never change.
The dude who dueled Miz looks like he knows of the bug and was intentionally getting Miz killed by the guards. He even danced after Miz died. Miz is getting griefed back to back.