A compilation rounding off five of the craziest myths seen in MythBusters season 5
Using science as a tool, Hollywood special effects experts attempt to debunk rumours, urban legends and popular myths that have captivated the minds of many individuals.
#MythBusters #FactOrFiction
4000 lbs is not even close to a regular car nowadays
Fire all the editors and replace them with AI. That'll work! Oh wait, it didn't… Stop these BS AI uploads.
Series 5? Mythbusters isn’t British. In the US, a ‘series’ is a tv show as a whole.
what the heck is going on with the editing
The compilation is terrible.
Hire an actual editor! This is not the first video chopped to bits to the point that it's unwatchable. It's at least the third.
Why are you just showing the beginning? What a ripoff.
Full episodes please.
The Bambo tourture came from the Vietnam war.
glad you stopped uploading those episodes, twice ….
I saw a video called "how we test x myth" and then the video ended before the testing haha. Better edits, actually show the tests you mention in the video title
Post more full episodes in America please🥺
The editing of this compilation, released by the official Mythbusters channel, is embarrassingly poor. Jump cuts, cuts mid sentence, noticeable difference in audio levels, badly executed transitions. Honestly, I have seen a thousand amateur videos that display far more professional levels of editing than this video. Which is a shame, because the content, and the intention is brilliant.
Crazily early today 💛💛💛