Most Popular The Infographics Show Videos of All Time (Compilation)

Most Popular The Infographics Show Videos of All Time (Compilation)
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0:00:00 Russian Sleep Experiment – EXPLAINED
0:12:10 What happends when you die?
0:18:34 How SEAL team took down Osama Bin Laden
0:36:25 What Happens to Your Body While You Are Having Sex?
0:43:34 How They Caught Serial Killer Ted Bundy
0:57:20 Insane Way El Chapo Escaped Prison
1:05:16 What The Last 24 Hours of Death Row Prisoner Look Like
1:15:33 What Does it Actually Feel Like to be Shot
1:24:02 I Was Trapped Underwater For 3 Days
1:33:29 What If North Korea Launched a Nuclear Bomb (Minute by Minute)
1:48:55 Man So Violent Even Other Prisoners Fear Him
2:00:57 Female Orgasm vs Male Orgasm – How Do They Compare?
2:14:01 The Brazen Bull (Worst Punishment in the History of Mankind)
2:20:43 What Happens To Your Body When Smoking Weed
2:40:32 Evil Punishments Designed to be Worse Than Death
3:02:14 Why Vietnam War TUNNEL RAT Job Was so DEADLY

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  1. 13:55 four to six minutes?
    I was clinically dead
    (brain dead, and heart stopped)
    For two freaking days…
    Now I have never been good at math, but I'm pretty sure 48hrs is more than 360 seconds. 🧠
    The body can live very long with the help of machines.
    Maybe four to six minutes of not getting any help while braindead and heart stopped….
    16:50 that's how it was for me..
    Complete nothingness. No temperature, no thought, no sound, no nothing, complete, and total piece..

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