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Go check out the artists behind the Avatars:
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Links to Music and Content Below:
—-Track list—-
A[way] – minecraft lofi
Atlas Eyes – Wet Hands
Hygh Lofi – Minecraft Lofi
Lebensart – Pillowed
C418 – Mice on Venus
Timmy – Calm Three
YeetySkeety – Minecraft LoFi
Hetalia – minecraft made lofi
Làtchi – Minecraft Lofi Remix
Motty – subwoofer lullaby but it’s lofi
Six – Minecraft Lo-Fi
Derek Pope and Diego Wagner – the floor is lava
Samashi – reflection
J Fletch Beats – “Spring Season”
Dr KEYZ – minecraft’s music
sk4le – Sweden
“Rock is rock”
I liek rock
My husband and I were approached by a boomer lady while we were eating lunch on Easter one year, and she complimented my hair (I'd just gotten it dyed similar to a character I liked, who had pink and purple hair). Then she revealed her true colors: "I think you two should join us at church next week."
Two problems: I'm agnostic, while my husband is coming to terms that he may be as well; and the church is one those tiny things that is hidden in the back of the woods. The reason I point out the church is because my husband feels awkward visiting most Protestant-based churches, mostly due to judging most churches by both inner and outer looks, but also because he mostly knows Catholic churches (it's what he was raised on). I'm not hating on Protestants, since I was raised Lutheran, but most Catholic churches have a better aesthetic. (I really miss the old one that they shut down in our city; it's ancient, but it felt like sitting in a castle chapel.)
12:40, who are they, vriska
Yeah no you can put some alcohol on the gums to help but it's like a thimble full and you rub it on with your finger, not just have them drink it!
The boomer womsn saying its illegal to leave momry around, is so clearly homeless hatefull.
"Do you know who I am!?"
Clearly noone important enough for me to know who you are -.-
"I only hit you 3 times!"
"Why did you have to call the police?"
"I did nothing wrong!"
How can anyone say these three sentencess in succession and believe ebery single word they just said?
Story 3:
"Should have offered a blanket and something to eat"
What ever happend to "please"? And "could I have X?"? >:C
35:09 😂😂😂 something like this actually happened to me recently when I had to go to hospital, a nurse called my name which is a very common name they have to do like checks to make sure that they have the right person and it wasn't me it was another girl with my same first name, I was so embarrassed I was like sorry sorry sorry but it was funny because when it was time for me to leave, I actually left my phone and the girl brought me my phone thanks 'name' and she's like you're welcome 'name'. 😊 no tea no drama just people being decent to each other❤
I was on the bus going to work one morning and I was sitting near the front. On our buses, there are two benches sitting sideways marked for people with disabilities/elderly people/moms with strollers, etc. I was sitting in the next row of seats beside those.
I have fibromyalgia, and though it wasn’t flaring up (thank fuck), I still tend to pick a seat that has decent leg room to keep myself from sitting weirdly.
This woman came on, pointed at me and told me to move so that she could sit there
“….you can just sit on the empty ones right there?” The seats on the other side were all free.
“You’re supposed to move for people who need the seats.”
(The driver had run into the Circle K for a coffee, so he wasn’t there to witness.)
It was too early for an argument, and I was probably too damn tired for this, so I stood up and started to move. She made some comment to her friend about “kids” (lol I’m in my late 30s.) and I gave her my sweetest smile,
locked eyes with her snd called her a c-nt.
Luckily, my headphones are noise cancelling so I couldn’t hear her talking shit about me to her friend.
The only time I’ve not been annoyed by someone being loud in a planetarium is when it’s a kid. I never got to go when I was young and I love the enthusiasm of a child discovering the joys of outer space
Car seats were not mandatory in the U. S. until 1985 .
Wait wait wait… Wearing shorts during SUMMER gets a burr?! This has blown my little mind. I’ve had people make the same noise at me for wearing shorts in winter but wtf is wrong with her?
Those people rubbed alcohol on the gums to numb it. She was just trying to get the baby to shut up in a way even most Boomers were taught not to do. My friend’s mom told me to do it in the early 2000s, with a smile. She’s a nice lady and I hope chemo works for her, but I had to ask questions. She wasn’t the only one who suggested it as random strangers offered advice to the teen mom. (Never did it, never wanted to do it. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the idea and asked why.)
If you don't want to pick up dog poop, don't own a dog.
Boomer yells at me for no reason. “Have you been evaluated for dementia recently? Sudden outbursts of unexplained anger is a symptom. You should have a loved one drive you to the doctor.”
The blowout is usually epic. 🤣
what the heck i literally blinked and the video is almost over
The likes are currently 666, so I’ll comment how much I appreciate Oz, his account, & the fanbase he’s grown, happy to have encountered him & been along for the ride
Take care Oz & you too fellow reader!! X3c
Hi Oz, hope your day is going ok.
19:24 apparently besides Boomers, competitive exhaustion is used by a specific class of Karen Moms. In short, these are never ones with current neonates. People who legitimately have slept 3 non-consecutive hours each day for 2 weeks and only need to state Baby’s age in a combination of days/weeks well below sleeping all night don’t do this somehow. It’s always “my 2 elementary school kids and preschooler are more worthy of my claim of fatigue than the double shift in an ER that started 8 hours after your previous shift (and yea, we assume this medical professional had to travel home and eat) with the shift before that basically turning into a double because of the mess that was brought in 5 minutes before they were due to leave”
Or whatever job thing, from being a migrant crop harvester who is 3 weeks into the different regional crops ripening as they do physical labor they can’t get citizens to do for half a day. Moving company crews in those summer weeks that everyone with kids is moving in if they have a glimmer of an option to time it. Amazon workers who can’t break to pee. Someone who is a full time carer of an adult with a severe disability (Mom’s a paraplegic with a brain injury- different unrelated events. She isn’t the highest needs but Dad dresses her, lifts her into wheelchair, does all cooking/housework. She can remember simple facts either in daily life or that she has a cousin or nibling by the name I give(like “hey your cousin X posted this.” She knows she loves someone by that name, but has no stories. She has previously required higher care where Dad and I were more on constant duty).
Karen Moms and Boomers know fatigue like no one’s business. A Boomer or two has been informed that like, the tired person just got off basic training 5 minutes ago and they just broke the “troops always supported and not doing so lands you in a circle of Hell Dante never could have dreamed of” rule and blue-screened
From what I remember it was putting a small amount of whiskey on your finger and rubbing it on their gums. Not having them actually drink alcohol. I am in no way defending this, its what I was always told to do. I never did it with my kids but a drop on the gums is way different than having them actually drink it.
Go, OZ goooooo
'You wear a shirt with a solid color in a store: you work there.'😊
OK I have a different take on the planetarium story. As a mother and an educator I would have went off on his old ass! That could have completely ruined that child's sense of wonder and his willingness to ask questions, which as teachers we hope and encourage them to do this. Being interested in science and space is so important and asking questions is how they learn. I do feel sorry for the mother in a way, in another way I do wish she would have stood up for her child but I am a very different mom. I do not care about embarrassment and no one wants to make things uncomfortable for others but there are times when it NEEDS to be done. Someone should have at least reported him and got him removed possible.
The "Brr Aunt", I've actually had my great aunt and (idk my relation to the other woman) say "brr" to little 4-5 year old me for wearing shorts. In Vegas. At Night. Saying "You're going to get cold, Sage!" …I'm from Minnesota, If I said that 60 degree evening weather is cold I'd be chased out of my state for it.
The planetarium one physically hurts to hear, that poor kid
Alcohol for teething was definitely not GenX. It was DONE to us, but we did not do it to our GenZ kids.
I love lab-grown diamonds. And “diamonds” that aren’t diamonds at all, like Herkimer diamonds and Cape May diamonds! In fact I like the not-a-diamond “diamonds” better because you can go hike in those places and find these gorgeously clear quartz crystals, that have some spectacular rare formations in them!
Lab grown stones are always more ethical too.
I've gotten a few riled up over religion because I'm more or less atheist/ agnostic after I got kicked out of the church for being autistic and to answer any questions. It was the '90s. I was a kid and I apparently asked too many questions and then pointed out some lions in the Sunday school mural were gay (both male) I figure God's the one who made me autistic so therefore he doesn't care if I'm in church if they're allowed to kick me out without getting hit by a lightning or something
My parents are Boomers who really don’t do one-upping… but they are their families’ black sheep and scapegoat.
RE: People coming up to you and demanding you change? Oh yeah, I've gotten that from a couple groups of people who firmly entrench themselves in the idea that I have to be in their specific little group. It's super uncomfortable and after a little bit, it's just both awkward and legitimately insulting how it's gone about. I try to be polite and respectful to people regardless of beliefs because of it. It is NOT fun to have someone roll down their window, ask "Have you considered…" and even after a polite rebuffing, just arrogantly look at me and say "No no, dear, you need to read my pamphlet. You'll see the truth." No, lady. But give me the pamphlet. I was almost out of toilet paper.
(My exception on being tolerant is when people are intolerant and pushy with or around me. Nope, gloves off at that point.)
I’m still baffled that reserved seating is still a new concept to a lot of places. In my state all movie theaters have been reserve seating for over 15 years. Also flights, never in my life have I ever seen a flight that was not reserved seating.
The sushi thing: my local grocery store offers "Philly rolls". They are cream cheese and salmon sushi. They also have cream cheese and artificial crab. The Philly rolls are so good even though cheese wouldn't even be in the same room as authentic Japanese sushi. So yeah, pretty Americanized.
now i feel extremely privileged to have a farmer's market that is open year round on saturdays within biking/walking distance
50:35 Alligators are not mini dinosaurs. Ravens and budgies are mini dinosaurs. Alligators are far, far older than dinosaurs.
Yes, I can easily picture grover in a pink dress
25:37 My favorite pulled pork recipe is “Someone who knows what they’re doing makes it and I shower them with compliments as I eat it.”
Dog poop doesn't magically break down and vanish into the soil of your yard and fertilize it–that would be too nice. It just sits on top, attracting some bugs for a few days, until it dries out and turns into turd rocks. For a few days before it completely bakes in the sun, you can break through the crust and still get wet turd on your feet or shoes. If fresh turd is buried in snow and frozen, it thaws out in the spring as a stinking fresh surprise everywhere the dogs have been.
Didn’t realize how new this one was! Let’s go another video to listen to nonstop!
Holy crap, over an hour long? YES please
Swear to god what the hell is wrong with boomers that this guy thought hitting someone "only three times" isnt a big deal? How much of this guys blood is just lead paint at this point?
"throwing hands and losing arms"
36:37 Ok for the movie theater story. I do think in a very minor way, OP is an ass.
I don’t think it would of mattered if it was a Boomer there or not, if someone is showing up after the lights go down and the movie is about to start, I think most people would assume that is just someone showing up to claim the good seat and being a dick about it.
But maybe that’s just me being like “If I’m going to the movies I want to be nice and comfy in my chair a good bit before the movie is starting.” and I’m completely off base with my opinion.
These compilations make GREAT background noise to work on writing projects! Definitely gonna listen to this on more than one occasion lol
In the olden times they used to rub brandy on the gums of teething babies. They didn't have anything better. We have better options now
They are vampires.