A Pierce County judge ruled a woman would not be getting her family’s longtime pet back after her cat went missing and was then …
A Pierce County judge ruled a woman would not be getting her family’s longtime pet back after her cat went missing and was then …
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If she had him microchipped and registered she would have been able to get him back 🙁
Can't say as I blame the neighbor at all. Spend too much money on property and maintenance to deal with someone else's feral cat piss and feces.
Thats tragic! Poor Bobbie!!
The reason to microchip your pets.
I lived in Texas so you could have your cat outside 24/7, my cat basically wanted to live outside. Little girl two houses down thought she was a stray because she always manages to lose a collar if you put one on her. She was so disappointed when she learned the cat was mine, lol
Outdoor cats are strays.
Animal traffickers
Free country they said. Can't even have an outdoor cat anymore.
Its hard to keep a cat indoors, especially if they were a stray.. Poor fat hungry cat got kidnapped..
Why my cats are chipped. Even though they're indoor cats. Sometimes they'll escape, they come home but this is why. My cats are jerks but cute ones. Someone could take them.
Keep them inside! Build a catio for them outside. This is one of the reasons why.
Women using the power of the justice system against someone they don’t like—been going on for quite a while, just ask divorced dads
Dude the SPCA tried to steal my animals too!!! I told them that since animals are property under the law I'll sue them for theft if they don't return my animals. I got them back
Maybe if they let him out he can find his way home
OMG! How sad!
It was her neighbor, saw a post about it on facebook of the person ADMITTING they took someone’s outdoor cat and returned it to a shelter in a whole different city.
(If it’s the right story I am thinking of, that is)
Broken justice system
Just one more reason to please keep your precious pets indoors 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻