In this episode of The Spectral Truth, the crew gets called out to a house call, a residential home with strange paranormal phenomenon. This home is said to be terrorized by a wendigo/skinwalker creature, and a tall dark shadow man. Why is this property so haunted and why are these entities harassing this family? Tune in for the full video to discover The Spectral Truth!
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Music: 🔻
Music used : “The Dark Forest ”
composed and produced by “Vivek Abhishek”
Music link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3agbTAU68jc&t=0s
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Music: Shiver by Soundridemusic
Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq0viASLxKk&list=WL&index=2&t=0s
Thank you guys so much for watching and remember… keep seeking the TRUTH!
#demon #skinwalker #scary
First time viewer. I hope that you remember to be respectful!
The app seemed to be repeating you a lot. I would suggest a different app to use. I don’t think that your app is working correctly.
I hope you guys cleanse yourselves before leaving this clients house you need to cleanse yourselves your equipment and your vehicles also avoid going home after these kind of investigations you do not want this to follow u home God bless be safe
😒they have to move and take their furbabies with them it's nothing yall can do
They shouldn't leave their poor furbabies outside if u say it's a SW out there them furbabies are in trouble..smh
I'd love to work with you guys. I'm a Christian that was tormented by demonic spirits my whole life. I went through alot of deliverance and now I want to help others be free. A home is a place where you should feel safe, I learnt to cleanse homes and land by the power of Jesus Christ. Id like to help these families. Especially if they have children. Children are innocent and the enemy loves traumatizing them. They should feel safe and loved at home.
Why wld the owner's leave their dog behind? If the dog belongs to you why wld you bring a dog with you on a investigation? I'd hate to see an innocent dog get hurt. plz consider leaving the dog at home bf going on ur next paranormal investigation. Stay safe
Saw your video from scrolling through YouTube. I feel so bad for the family that has been affected. The full body appears to look like it's wearing a black cloak with the hood pulled over its head. That's so terrifying! You guys did a great job! Definitely will be looking on your profile for more videos. There's so much that it could possibly be.. ancient spirit, a protector, it could also be something negative. The feeling I get is not good at all!. Sending prayers to the family for strength an protection!
That was a really freaky and scary video
ancient spirit – spirits coming from most likely native Indians from centuries ago.
Think you guy’s are grabbing at straws about the dog and cat !!
You do know that cat’s do dig to cover up their poop right ?!?
You guys are hilarious. 😂
I got that message on spirit talker too
.Great job guys
Impose means to interupting something, I saw you four guys, Need to see more of objects.
Wendigo is pronounced win-da-go 😂
I request every viewers to subscribe this channel, they are really giving some outstanding content, hope your channel becomes one of the most viewed channels in YouTube and only request is please never stage or upload any fake videos like some other channels does after getting popularity,,, best of luck guys, love from India ❤❤❤
There's going to be ancient spirits on the land if there's a burial mound in the back garden
Stray cat speaks in human voice😂😂😂😂😂 more like there was a spirit outside and spoke and freaked the cat that's why it run off
Self proclaimed mediums cause more problems than help, if it was there to help it wouldn't scare them.
Impose: force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place.
Absolutely wild interaction! Donny's faces make the videos even better
2:27 that’s a Emperor Palpatine cat 🤣
Love your guys vids keep up the good work