10 Landslide Disasters Caught on Camera
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► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements
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More land space is being formed
Regarding he first clip. Those men are acting like frat boys with all that laughing & carrying on makes them sound like idiots. #SMMFH 🙄👋🏼
The Lord of mountains has never been happy with the activities 😢😢😢
lo que me carga es la gente que grita y cdelebra son como decimos en chile unos pelotudos…
Stay far away from China and India
JJ Javi y saca Janis Julian absolutidades
Wow !
Allahu akbar
12:30 These are the kind of moments that make you go ‘Wow!’ Truly incredible and unforgettable 🤩💥
time will come, all mountains will be flatened, ocean water will rise because debris will flow to it causing water to rise submerging lands along shoreline.
That San Diego beach rockfall has its own ten minute video. Worth checking out.
What aɓout a whole mountain coming down in the Congo
India is well known as low budget road development but high for road taxes
I watched up to the landslide with the fool whistling non stop.. so anoying, I turned it off…
The Chinese have no intention of cleaning up the coal.
Why do I see all these strange things I've never seen before in real life?
09:57 my dog is cocking his head left and right, looking at me like, WTF do you want!?
there is someone on top of the ciff on first video and smoke is seen a few seconds later
16:55 is he saying "… it has Hitlers name … " ?
Poor engineering for roads alongside mountains lacking drainage and support, no surprise.
Please remove the water mark.
Shitty engineers also here in Asturias , Spain, train station at Campomanes , major disaster tic tacking….
That landslide was coming down but it also comes from below on that beach crazy
Mother Earth gave China her wrath
This “Power of Nature”..
Is caused by the Elites playing with Bio Weapons..an ongoing thing!