Does how you look make you a target for violence? In this video, we break down the psychology behind street fighting and how body language, confidence, and awareness can impact your personal safety. Discover simple self-defense tips to avoid becoming a target, from mastering the right posture and eye contact to understanding the power of situational awareness. Learn how to project confidence, avoid common mistakes, and stay safe in any environment—whether you’re in a busy crowd or alone on an empty street. Perfect for anyone interested in self-defense, street fighting psychology, or just staying safe in daily life.
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ELEVATING YOUR FIGHT IQ: Blending Criminal Psychology and Martial Arts for Self Defence. Presented by Dr Mark Phillips Criminal Psychologist, Security Consultant, Martial Artist.
No Nonsense Self Defence Tips & Tricks. Topics Covered: Behavioural Risk Management, Criminal Behaviour, Self Defence Techniques, Street Fighting Tips, and Mindset Preparation, as well as general tips on how to defend yourself.
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I know this can't be used in England but along with reflections in store windows shadows can even be used.
when someone is walking behind me and im suspicious i do a quick 360 spin as if im just acknowledging my environment and make quick eye contact
This is Sparta
Also, as bad as youve been brainwashed to read this and think negative thougts…be racially aware, its very important.
Interesting I’ve realized this by myself from instinct and past experiences
The Big Boys that talk the loudest get hurt the most. A dangerous person will bring their A Game when confronting a big guy with bad intentions.
How pathetic are men nowadays that they need to learn lessons from the Internet instead of just Being a Man and living through it.🤡s😭
I was being followed. I remembered a movie talking a counter surveillance techniques. I then did an about face and aggressively walked right into him. I always have a fighting kn1fe. The dude was so caught off guard he ran.
So promoting this just leads to a society full of bad energy and tough actors that never do nothing🤣
Sir… you dont know how much i needed this video. I started involving myself in this self defence world because since i started dressing in an unusual way (suit and hat as in the old times) i noticed how i got disapproval stares and laughing smiles from strangers, what made me feel unconfortable. The peak moment came when two teenagers, one of them dressed up as a gang member, did some "peak a boo" on me when y walked pass them, and ever since that i think i got some kind of PTSD symptoms. I dont want to feel like that ever again and i want to be happy with myself, despite whatever that causes on others. I started training boxing and i dont miss any of your videos, but that "fear" comes again every time i go back on the street with that kind of looks. Guess gotta hit therapy and just keep training. Greetings from Spain
I'm fortunate to be an introvert with a reasonable frame. I also use very good posture and as a child i adopted the "At ease" stance and so a lot of people assume i am military or law enforcement. Being that somewhat scary introvert saves me a lot of problems. I have the "Quietest man in the room" vibe.
Dad was a marine and taught me a lot. Situational awareness at all times. I'm 6', full beard. Stand straight, shoulders back. No slouching. Confident stride. Watch where my feet go so I don't stumble. Economy of movements with no hesitation. Seems to work. I don't want to fight. I've been in quite a few, and they generally hurt even if you win.
I'm 6'4 and have APSD, I hunt the hunters because weak people are boring. It's the trophy indeed, why go for a rabbit when I can get a bear? Weak go after weak.
If you don't look like a tiger, look like a gazelle
Heart win wars not weapon (muscles), love this channel
Can I add one thing? I never leave the house without solid footwear. Okay, I do at times. But I am aware that it would leave me in a serious disadvantage. By solid footwear, I mean not flip flops. Something lace-up that is non-slip and allows you to run.
It amazes me that people walk around with ear buds and headphones on. They should add a blindfold and handcuffs to complete the ensemble, they've already hoisted the neon sign.
This great advice. In the Army we call it getting inside your enemy’s decision making cycle. Act and be unpredicatable 👍.
Know your exit. Acknowledge your opponent. Dont stare in their eyes. Their eyes cannot hurt you. Their fist, feet and elbows can hurt you, watch those.
Thank you for this. I taught martial arts for 45 years. Though with maybe different terms, everything you said echord my talks with my students. Head up and eyes moving as observation is the key to preservation. I had a number of students come back to me to thank me. It was the information and practice of situational awareness that saved them.
Seen you a few times people this man's real the advice is genuinely good, I've been round a bit and had it full on both ways apart from what you say . Don't be a victim they won't feel sorry for you those people dragging around a little girl out with her mother or challenging a man out with his baby in a stroller you think they even know what sorry is ?! They don't sorry they lost their weed or that they let someone with a phone get away is the only sorry they know. Either get away fast or if you can don't mess about !!!
As a 7 year mma fighter i would much rather fight a bodybuilder or big guy than the cut fast guy any day
wtf is this?! Either you’re a coward or you’re not and you’re not f’ing around!! Predators can tell regardless of supposed body language. Either you’re afraid or you’re not. Predators can tell. If you’re walking around scared that’s something you need to address immediately.
6’6” and 210, with blatant situational awareness has kept me out of fights for 45 years.
Im a smaller guy, 5’5 but i hover at about 170 even got to 185 when i was younger at about %7 bf. Being the small kid i refused to ever let someone think they could wup my a$$ just cause im smaller. Ive trained consistently for the past +20 plus yrs. Been a personal trainer and when i lived in vegas got to train a couple my homies in the ufc. Even tho i can handle myself ik for a fact just cause of the way i look, luckily i usually dont have to worry about any street fight nonsense. If you look like a sucka thats how youll get treated.
Love your vids btw! Very knowledgeable! 💪🏼
But, what about a phone? What if I have a phone? How should I handle my phone? What's the best way to use my phone?
My daughter is still to young for a phone but I constantly point out how people have their heads in their phones and they have no idea what's going on around them, I've even shown her vids of people walking into doors, fountains or almost getting run over. She is learning as she now points it out herself. I'm also teaching her to use peripheral vision. If you have youngsters start the learning early and don't set the bad example, if I'm looking at my phone at home and she talks to me i throw it on the couch and give her full attention, she is more important
When around 55% of communications is through body language we need to able to give out the correct comms to the bad guys out there. One quote I like to pass on is “We must make our warrior walk our everyday walk”.
It’s not walking around like a tough guy but knowing how to be balanced, how to sit, stand, kneel or lie down correctly (The beach) before anyone asks.
If I think someone is following me I turn around and look at them. This has happened a few times to me.
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
~ HOLY BIBLE, Proverbs 3:5,6
The LORD GOD KING JESUS says, "…if ye love me, keep my commandments.
~ HOLY BIBLE, John 14:15
The righteous Laws and Commandments of the LORD GOD KING JESUS are for our protection, not for our enslavement.
If you are legally blind and use a white ID cane, does this make you more or less of a target, for predictors, unruly drunks, or the angry person in the checkout line?
What you are actually describing is not body language per se, but posture. We all have built into us a subconscious recognition of posture. It's an evolutionary thing. It can also closely linked to a persons personality. Weak people are perceived to have certain a posture as are strong aggressive people. Body language, how you hold yourself, etc.. all these things are essentially posture and spine health. Work on your spine health, stand up tall have a good strong posture and the way the rest of the world sees you will change. Eventually even your perception of yourself changes. Think about who is a typical victim these days, bent over, looking down or at their phone. Criminal scumbags target the weak because they are weak. Be strong and they will avoid you. It helps to be able to back that up with some skills and training though.
I heard a convo that i agree with once. Short guys get picked because it feels safe to do so, big guys get messed with as a challenge and to see where their boundaries are, people are more cautious of medium sized slim guys because you never know what they are capable of
Windows, bus stops, car doors are all good things you can see a reflection in, hence you can nealry always see whats behind you without actually turning around to look and putting yourself off balance. obviously places like an open field wont give you these benefits so train your ears aswell.
I was watching this video walking down the street last week and was knocked out by a man with a baseball bat behind me 😢 thanks a lot
Do i get bonus points ?, the '3rd' time was actualy the 4th. Anyone else notice this ? (And by default the '4th' was actualy the 5th).
Fight Science is an excellent channel with a lot of good advice based on facts and experience. In reading many of the comments, I'd like to share, as a man in his 60's who has trained in several disciplines and been in many street fights when I was younger, that being clear-headed, focused and being able to run can get you out of a lot of trouble., In the end, the best defense is being armed with a firearm and knowing how to use it.
Never go face to face.
aku ingin liat orang brantem,mala liat berekol ini ngoce
You should make a video on who the most violent to watch out for. The obvious.
When you're 6'2 and 204 lbs, your aim becomes to be as friendly as possible so that you don't intimidate anyone.
nobody can sneak up on me from behind ever since i got stabbed, i just turn and look no matter what i hear closing
Is there a link to the seminar you will be having in NY ?
Everyone bleeds
How are you Sir.
thanks for your video
Bystanders won't help you unless the rest of the group does(which they won't) if you are in trouble don't expect someone to help you or even call 911 for you.
Did that guy pull a knife on some1 with a baby stroller?
I don’t know about all this. What I know is that more and more Americans carry a gun nowadays. So no matter if you are 100 lbs or 300lbs,
if a paranoid person feels threatened just enough, and shoots first, that usually the end of it. If I were a big bully, I would be very careful choosing my victims. That’s why many people call their guns the « equalizer ».
Keep any stranger at arms distance…most peoples problem is they let people get in there personal space and in there face. You back up and put your arms out in front of you and tell them to back up.