🇳🇿 New Zealand Lobster Boil: https://youtu.be/vUPnaazaQB4
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SOUTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND – Today we’ll be going around the South Island of New Zealand to eat paua (Blacklip Abalone) which is some of the best abalone in the world, whitebait fretters, New Zealand cheese rolls, and some amazing mutton birds!
Fleurs Place (https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZLbpDdwrz1hVgcja6) – Although it’s already closed, we had the honor to meet Fleur Sullivan a legend of New Zealand food. At her former restaurant in Moeraki Bay, they prepared Pāua – New Zealand blacklip abalone, Whitebait fritters – Seasonal fish delicacy, New Zealand seafood chowder, and fried up some green lipped mussels.
Whitestone Cheese Diner & Deli (https://maps.app.goo.gl/K8dxbbV2ZkTwGxQ39) – Next up we continued to Whitestone Cheese Diner & Deli to try one of the world’s most addictive cheese rolls – New Zealand cheese rolls.
Ron Bull – The next day we headed back to Dunedin where we met up with Ron Bull who comes from a long lineage family of Mutton Bird hunters. He has preserved their heritage and stories to this day and cooked us a mutton bird boil up. Titi (Mutton Birds) are a Maori tradition and this was a treat and delicious!
It was another great day of delicious food in New Zealand. Thank you to Christian for arranging everything!
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I’m glad your getting a proper kiwi experience and not a fancy tour guided experience. Paua don’t taste the same when it ain’t tenderised in a dirty cloth with a rusty hatchet 😂
Yum. I want some pauas now.
great to see Mark hittin all the right spots in our country! Cheers Mark!
I miss home and especially the food ❤❤❤
you can be sure of one thing…frank the dog loves his life
I spent all my childhood holidays in Moeraki, beautiful beach, and many happy memories of exploring the area with the other kids.
وجبات الطعام شهية جدا شكرا لكم ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
gotta put lemon on the whitebait fritter
You need to come back up to the north island where the natives will actually show you how to cook our local food, this presentation was terrible 🤦🏽♀️
whitetail?weren't they angulas or glass eels/baby elvers? they are HUGELY expensive in Spain and the first kilo of the season cost 7,000 Euros or more!
Dam makin my mouth water
mmmassive mark
Proud to have you in my country brother
Disneyland of Cheese 😂👌
Looks pretty hard to stomach lol
Please review the PNG foods as well next time. Have a good time in New Zealand Mark be safe always 👍🏻
You always open my appetite Mark
Deep down inside as you read this, you have definitely looked at your brown droppings from your bung hole before you flush the toilet. And its also true you look at the toilet paper to make sure all is clean in between your cheeks. Lastly, its also true you have smelled your socks and feet at least once and also your underarms as well. Be honest and admit in your response.😂😂😂
BROTHER!!! You've done so well so far! I got scared you were just going to showcase Auckland. Super stoked you're seeing the best of the best NZ has to offer! Fleur's a Kiwi legend. Last episode in Kaikoura was also a highlight for me. Love your work my man. ❤
Absolutely stunning and appetizing. Not much seasoning but I bet it tastes simple and pure.
3:30: Those filthy nails sure add to the flavor 😅
I've live in NZ more than half of my life and only just discovered so many new things about the food here from this series. Thank you Mark for exploring Aotearoa in such detail and with respect to the local culture
Man I wanna visit New Zealand so bad..
Hey Mark, is there a particular reason you upload at this time? Are you reaching out to a particular audience? I’m asking because I am a food vlogger here in the Philippines (we met last month!) and we are ahead of Thailand by one hour. I’m curious as to the best time to upload my new videos. Thank you. 🙂
May the Holidays be bright for everyone ❤
Whilst my dad was alive he was an ex chef that owned a couple restaurants, he met a lady from New Zealand and dated her and he would always be cooking New Zealand inspired dishes after meeting her and would go out there to stay alot he absolutely loved it. Thank you for this series Mark its really touched me keep up the good work
The best food alway's comes from the locals..no matter where you are in the world….who needs restaurants when you have local knowledge and ingredients aye..Born kiwi loving your travels bro XX
Mark Weins is based in Bangkok. Good at PR. His taste in food globally rather mediocre
Kia Ora 🇳🇿
Awesome job mark with food vlog drop a like for you .
Super Food Bro🍗🍗🍗
Liked before even watching😂
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