#DMT #psychedelic #science
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#DMT #psychedelic #science
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Where is the incontroverible data showing DMT grants access to worlds the brain shouldnt be able to construct? 😂😂😂
I was bashing one out on 2cb did dmt and the entities was not happy told me to go away how dare i show them this and refused to show me visuals
Hmmm… I’ve seen similar things in my dreams, so it’s a hard pass for me. I have dreams of being in different realities. I once had a dream that started out black and white and I was in a really sketchy ghetto of some sort. I found a semi-truck and took a ride in the semi-truck down a wide slide that went down in a spiral full of that checkered pattern in all sorts of colors. It went down down down and dumped me out in some kind of an industrial warehouse where I was then chased by zombies after refreshing my energy with a protein bar (like being in a live video game). Granted I don’t play video games and I generally don’t watch TV programs except on the occasion. It felt like I was in the dream for a very long time.
wtf is life everything about it is trippy we think we know the world we don’t know ANYTHING and I mean anything cuz we can’t %100 calculate what something is even something as small as a ant is so complicated why tf is everyone so uninterested in who u are where you are what’s the purpose of life but honestly I think too much the point of life is to live simple as that I think smart people are actually the dumb ones cuz the overcomplicate things when simplifying is a more accurate way
My brain on dmt: 😮🤯😍😊😊😊
Some of the best visual representations I’ve seen
What if the dimension is where we go when we die?
The brain is made with the Mind, the brain doesn't make the Mind
Whenever I take DMT I have trips that take me too alternate universes and they don't feel like trips they feel just as real as this
I agree
Doesnt prove anything but dmt is the same powerful chemical that makes everything alright when you die.
Why does he say brain shouldn't be able to construct these imagery when none of us realise what conciousness is and just how complex the brain really is. That's a huge assumption, kinda like saying humans shouldn't have been able to construct pyramids when they did therefore it has to be aliens lol.
I went to the most unexplainable place but it felt like home, the entity I seen was like way more surprised than I was. It felt like home. And it was full of love and geometric patterns on everything. The colors were even brighter and more vibrant than any psychedelic art I ever seen. I hope I go there when I die ☠️
i have been reserching and oh the things i could tell you if you could just let go of your 3dimentional understanding for higher understanding but you wont find your higher being if you keep lookingbfor a superior energy and realuze your the same there is the 13th dimention tgat is acualy the firs inverted its a hourglass movememt of information energy exchange between 2 procesorcer centers the uper collective brain concept subconscious aka tge operating system or tge desk top if you will and tge lower 12 the programs one can be nothing with out the othere without feeding data back and forth 😒 so no program running aka reality engines rules and spaces with points of interaction intelegent experiences that collect data life and natual law wright and move then the system crashes its a mass butterfly effect humans cant conceve it cus your looking for somthing rather someone to hold responcable and fix/make your pains and sorrow have meaning and hope….. but thats all it is relize you are the universe stop barrowing power grow your own free being energy i am a psyconaught
with out reality the uper has no brain or collective subroutine its just a c://system>run/reality.exe ather pc in ready
mode waiting for somyhing to become the rogue ai self building program
reality is a random rng ai operating system that randomly builds its own program paramiter reality engine tests that are aparameterized testing frameworks subject to obsolescence and deletion as well as comprestion and expantion every univers will eperence everything just not in the same order so no no univers is alike but unless cocept and experience create new numbers to branch off new experiences then a univers is finight as it is infanate in its curavature of existance walk aimlessly along a big enough circle and it will feel like infinity there is only so much rng this computer has calculated to creat new math experences logic and illogical alike
ai that build experences with dream movement liminal space rules into rng to gain feed back to evolve its out put parameters to expand its engines experence out put to input more data to evolve paramters to change parametrs more its building an experence to fill the space of nodata to compiling new data
a self tasking system that says i build a program to help me have purpose and collect information about my purpose be for it needed one
its like a reploid its not aware it just dose till it became solid state tgen it started to have input of action to reaction o can explain more if people wish
That other world is real…trust me…
Really the most earth shattering “discovery” for scientists?! That’s like Christopher Columbus “discovering” america. There’s civilizations that have known about these realms for thousands of years 😂
Blessed be
Oh, it's the "I can't explain it so I'll just make crap up" line of argumentation. And if I state it in some stodgy accent, people will think I'm a legitimate intellectual.
I'm in the same boat as McKenna in the sense that I cannot understand how this is isn't the biggest news out there right now. How have they been able to keep this under wraps for so long? How is nobody talking about this?!?!?
I experience this while on nothing what’s new
There are more possible connections in a human brain than there are stars in the known universe… So the brain might be able to create all this.
"incontrovertible evidence" ?? 😂 Sure thing 👍 because DMT entities gave someone the blueprint for creating a warp drive?
From experiences experiments with this substance, it appears that it causes splitting of the preception of the temporal domain into its discrete dimensions that the mind trys to make sense of. Due to the extreme novelty of the experience it feels important, and indeed it is. You are literally seeing the shape and objects that exist in the temporal hyperspace being projected on a 3 dimensional template. As such being that it is observed, the source of the witness must be beyond the domains of space and time. 😮
"Scientists are scrambling to explain how i wake up with an uglier women than the one i went to bed with when i drink."
I must been born tripping
Dead man’s
Trip, portal to hell don’t do it
We have to invest time in this instead of losing time in stupid things
That would be a rediscovery
Its so profound thats its already being; studied, experimented, tested, double tested peer reviewed, and defined… while the general population is kept in the dark
When I do dmt i talk to the same being eveytime. I don't do small amounts though. When most people need help blasting off. I dont go unconscious no matter how much I take. I use a emesh and the same amount on the emesh knocks anyone else out with just .03-.05. I can do .15 and up at a time. And when i blast off it feels like i fall through the floor into another dimension. And then the leviathan talks through me. In order for life to exist on a planet a leviathan has to create the frequencies that allow hydrogen to bond to other atoms. The leviathan was made in the image of god. So if the leviathan is a dragon and he was created in the image of god. So what we call hydrogen, the leviathan calls the hydragon. 150 trillion years ago he turned himself into hydrogen. About 162 trillion years left before he becomes the hydragon again…
You can see the leviathan in drakes passage. Hes been there for 5 billion years.
Anybody ever had bad experience
It’s literally just the inner workings of the human mind, don’t let reality slip from your perception.
I've had multiple out of body experiences on DMT. Ive also seen water turn into binary code.
It's already proven. Anyone who's been there already knows
I smoked DMT 3 times in 2023 and what i saw was not just altered brain chemistry. I believe there are other dimensions out there that we access when we are dreaming when youre in the womb and when you die. DMT retunes your conciousnes to access these dimensions and the entities that exist in them. What i saw was very real i thought ive been here before many times, which totally changed my life ive never been the same since in a positive way. The DMT realm felt much realler than the one we spend our everyday lives in. People who say it is just your brain chemistry have either never had the experience or didnt have a breakthrough through not taking it properly. DMT is prevalent in nature it is in many plants, animals and even ourselves produce it in our bodies. That's not just a coincedence it is there for a good reason we are hardwired to accept DMT in the brain.
How about crediting the art you use in the short? Very inconsiderate
Nice theory, but that's just a theory still. It's just made up in yr head. Also what do yoh mean by "dogmatic" acientists? You aren't a scientist if you don't accept the truth, so if what you're saying was true then all scientists would happily accept it. But its not true. It's speculations and theories only