Welcome to my Saroy channel. This is an entertainment channel for real Bigfoot bedtime stories.
We introduced a Shorts channel just to have some fun as and we don’t receive any financial rewards from YouTube as is contains no advertising. Non of this footage is our own!!! We research, collect and are sent footage with the purpose of keeping the mystery of Bigfoot alive. We love to share our fascination and passion with you and yes we believe the Hairy Man is very real! We have no idea if any of this footage is real and leave it to you in the comment section to share your belief with everyone. We also find it very entertaining to read. You have to admit some of this footage it is very compelling.
Our short section seems to have unexpectedly become popular so if some of this footage is yours and you take offence to us displaying it then please let us know and we will provide the correct credit or remove it. Email to saroybigfoot@gmail.com.
#shorts #bigfoot #bigfootvisuals
This is a good movie
It's a recreation 😒 plus this little cage would never hold one in.
That cage and those little bars would never hold an adult sasquatch. A human man bent iron bars in a prison to escape, leading him and others to freedom, so imagine what a sasquatch could do. Also, it looked like he was dancing at first. The camera is still filming from an iraqi back alley made knockia #1 from 1927, and no human being would dare to stand that close to the bars if it housed a real sasquatch. Not a chance. Its Aholes like these people that ruin the cause and make it silly when there is nothing silly about these creatures and all these people involved in filming this would literallt wet their pants if they ever came across a real one in the wild and would be traumatized for the rest of their court jester lives.
this is about as fake as it gets. why does the camera shake on a close up and they play this stupid music? this is ridiculous.
I can see that’s fake it’s not even real do you know how sick it properly
That’s a man baby!
Me waiting for the weed guy to
man if this was real… that cage would be like tin foil… they rip trees with 20 inch diameter trunks out of the ground and use them as spears… they can throw a telephone pole 70 ft into the air with one arm over 80 yards. Aint no way
Oh garbage come on man hey buddy, you’re drunk stop the ball
Oh garbage come on man
If it was real it would have been headline news world wide 😂Not 1 “Expert” has chimed in 😂This is as bad as Rick liar Dyer saying he had a dead Bigfoot 😂😂
Its monkey 💀
Is not Real Is fake 😅That person dude
The possibility of a Bigfoot being captured is high. Think about the sort of technology we have now in our possession. To think that we have more proof of UFOs but not one piece of evidence of Bigfoot is baffling.
"You're not you when you're hungry."
Are you sure that's bigfoot
This a edit video they shoot him with dart guns to lay him down to take hair folicles and blood bigfoot captured is the name of the video
The great khali in bigfoot suit
I remember seeing this several years ago. I think it was from a prank show
He mew 🧏🏻♂️
It looks big enough but im not sure that cage could hold one. Sasqautch rip big ass trees up like nothing and also known for orb teavel
Movie 🍿 name
The camera reacting to the heartbeats! Ha!
I cant believe this fake vid has that many views
A Big Foot would tear that cage a part, or just hop right out
Jack nicholson plays bigfoot 😂
Scene from a movie…
If there is a big foot there should be big shit
This is very real actually i live in a national park and they look like that some of them
He’s hitting the cage so hard the camera is shaking
Koi Baat Nhi Hum To Chutiye Hain 😂😂😂😂