Guy Rescues Little Stray Dog Inside Dollar General | The Dodo

Guy Rescues Little Stray Dog Inside Dollar General | The Dodo
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The moment she crawled onto his shoulder and let out a sigh ❤️

We talked to Ray about how he scooped her up and weeks later, made her his daughter!

Keep up with Ray on TikTok @realliferayray


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. Oh my goodness…she has part 😮
    Jack Russell terrior. We had one just like her we rescued. She got away from her owners that couldn't keep her any more. They rescued her in from a storm. We had her for 10 years and was best buddies with our 90lb Ridgeback Pitbull. She was given the name from the previous owners ,Pinky ,who said they couldn't take her back from the Humane Society. After so much time they would have put her asleep. SMART LITTLE DOGGIE….great companion.

  2. That. Dog belongs to you! I would not have given up to shelter or anyone!!! Who ever had her before neglected to keep the dog safe. Anything could have happened to her while not in their care!!! He loves it and he should have it!! B❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Never let a dumbo person take her to a shelter to process her. I found a big one at the creek because this is ky and the bad people dump dogs in this state . Really bad people here. So I adopted this dog as my additional dog , I have quite enough . But it's important to have alot of dogs. 👍🏼

  4. Why did the shelter have to “process” her? She already had a home and you took her away from that. Sounds like they wanted adoption fees. This man could have easily taken her to a vet of his choice instead of her getting evaluated at a rescue and never leave his side. Research animal shelters, not all are great. ACC in Nee York is funded by the state and has a horrible reputation. I’m glad Dolly made it through and has a loving home ❤

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