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This guy trying to play dumb like he didn't know about the unstuck cheat lmao. " i nEeD to KnoW hOw it WOrKs. I dOn't UndeRstAnD iT!" You don't play hardcore unless you know how the unstuck feature works XD
It's cheap, and anyone that uses it is a cheater. Whether it's a rule or not. It's abusing a system that is meant for a specific purpose (getting yourself unstuck), to prevent yourself from dying.
What a boring way to play wow: adding rules and limiting friends. Wow.
I have no idea why the call was made to fight Mograine by the fountain, if the inside was clear, they could have just fought him and Whitemane there, Julia and Jay did not need to die as a result (although, I think it was Jay (?) who made the call), I am in the same boat as Chance, I have never seen him tanked there, I have always killed him where he was standing.
soooo teleporting out of a stun, and a dungeon isnt cheating?
Does anyone have that Esfand vs Alliance pac video plz ?
Weird to care about the unstuck thing but not about Petri/alt+F4
I mean I'm sorry but.. why was she so close..
no need to be that close-by.
"i swear i didnt aggro itttt" bruh doesnt even stop the dumbass voice and is just straight up lying like wtf is she on about?? IMMEDIATLY starts lying like??
theres video evidence?? lmfaoo
If Blizz offers you a feature that you can use to keep from dieing in Hardcore, I say go for it, whatever it takes. So much time and effort is invested in lvling to 60 in Classic, I feel you should do everything possible to survive.
what happens when you die ?
yall have this content generation down to science.
It iis insane how trash the guild is yet Soda is a God druid … Ugh.
Skill issue on hardcore is brutal
I'm not in the loop, can anyone tell me what the benefits of being in OnlyFangs are?
Using a bug to exploit and avoid losing your hc status is definitely cheating. Instantly teleporting/dc'ing during combat and in a dungeon wipe is obviously cheating
The right direction to run out of the cathedral if you are already up by the fountain is STRAIGHT ACROSS THE FOUNTAIN! Why would you go down the mobs default pathing? Must be because they didn't know that ahead of time. Unfortunate that it cost them so much time leveling that character. Hopefully they figure it out now and learn from this costly mistake. A lot of people play much too recklessly. The instant I saw those mobs aggro and that mage frost nova them, I'd have b-lined it straight across the fountain and out of there, whilst telling everyone to run out straight from the fountain and do not take the stairs! Had they all just done that the second frost nova went off, they'd probably all have survived.
he might have just alt+F4 no? if he did as soon as he got on that ledge, before the hex… timing seems right to me.
esfand is so bad lmao
the fire shaman quest death was sad to watch
Pretty crazy of these guys to do this hard of a dungeon ! insane really!
The insta nova is what scared mages do. It actually helped to kill the priest.
The scarlet monastery part is a perfect example of a woman just making a bad situation worse from screaming and panicking. Instead of just freaking out you could coordinate with your teammates, but no, just screech into the mic like an idiot that will save you.
stop being retarded and calling Grays a good player
what a surprise that moonmoon have barely any clue about mage skills, he never played one. 2 mages = 2 sheep. 2 cone of cold and 2 frost novas with a coldsnap. Not to mention priest just starts yelling and does nothing herself. No pots no fear. I'm so grateful and lucky no to play with these players ever on a HC server. They pulled only 4 mobs btw. one mage can kite them no problem. But… that would not make into the clip, deaths will.
go agane
This just shows you have to be a streamer to play HC. Ain’t no way a casual has time for this. I couldn’t stand getting to like lvl 40 then dying or even 60
So sad , second video epic fail whit 2 mages in grp. So bad players. Mages was those who deserve die ;/
2 mages and nobody does shit fking wow players are so fking garbage
Jaybz went back
Do non-priests think fade is a complete threat drop? It's been a while since classic but I'm pretty sure we looked it up one day and were shocked at how useless it actually was. WotLK fade was a godsend and that's when it started getting regular use.
Mages are dogshit. End of story. If you play mage be good.
Soda is a tool. Only popped in to say that. Cant watch hardcore only fangs outside of zaryu because theyre all douchebags
the 2 mages in scarlet monastery are super scummy. both with novas, cone of colds, and sheeps. instead they blink away smiling lmao rats.
Honestly, If Blizzard isn't going to give you your character back for their mistakes (falling through map, etc.) Then use whatever means necessary to keep your character alive.
The priest just seemed too new to handle that chaos. Didn't Psychic Scream, didn't have Fade on action bar from what I could see, lots of different or same rank spells in action bar that may not be used. Also never seen that courtyard pull on bosses. Always did courtyard pull only on trash mobs. Some min/maxer probably decided to do it to save 3.5 minutes.
great clips and commentary
Playing hardcore and complaining about dying?