Videos for Dogs To Watch – Dog TV Videos of Birds and Squirrels for Separation Anxiety – Dog TV Videos of Birds and Squirrels Everywhere. Dog relaxation to help calm your dog and stop barking preventing separation anxiety.
Video Produced by Paul Dinning – Wildlife in Cornwall
My dog was so chill he was also curious and confused
For some reason, my dogs don’t like it
My Maltese dog tried to eat the birds 😂😂😂❤❤
My dog is very hyper so when i put some blankets and pillows down and played this he fell asleep instantly! Thank you for posting this video!
It'd be hilarious to put like a couple seconds of barking dogs randomly throughout this
my dog did not relax lol however he loved it and i loved watching try to figure out why the birds were not on the other side of tv. deffinate not a video for when i'm not home lol but it is great video for my dog Titan he's a big german sheppard just staring at this video its great!!
Are you calling us,the viewers dogs? How humiliating! Do you even understand how difficult it was to express my anguish at your video typing with my little paws?😭😭😭😭😭
My dog recently died and my other dog is sad so I played this for her .I didn't even ge to see my other dog before he passed away because he got hit by a car when he was outside. fly high Mr.Odale 🕊️🌈
This is my dogs favourite thing to watch
I think I am a dog-
Put my new puppy to sleep in the early morning hours. Three times actually. Love this!
bilinçaltımı manipüle ettiğinimi sanıyorsun bilinçli şekilde videoları dizerek nota mı veriyorsun aklınca
I put this on after my dog had surgery and she loved it!
My dog started watching 😂
My dog liked the video thanks to ASER videos for dogs
My dog loved it ,a now my screen is gross
Same @viviennevogt787 my dog died 30 h ago he was 10 but I have faith in god that Sam is coming back,back strong and healthy
Separation anxiety is related to fear of abandonment. I had a dog with SEVERE separation anxiety, since he had been abandoned before. To fix it, you have to get up like you are normally leaving the house, leave the house, and return immediately, and do this over and over and over again, gradually increasing the time you are away. When you can be gone for 2 hours without the dog panicking, they are more or less cured. This video might work for some dogs, but that's what separation anxiety is, your dog is afraid you will never come back. Often happens with rescue dogs.
My dog won't stop booping it nose at the screen 😭
My dog and s sleeping for this. My Queen Harper is happy
Crazy part is, I'm more into this than my dog 😭
Toy Forge
I like this sound
Is it ok for a human to watch?
I literally put my phone in front of my dogs face and he watched this for 45mins.. he was very happy.
he is scared of this video. what is going on?
My dog ran away from this
this is the ONLY THING that will calm our new puppy down
My dog loves this thank you so much! ❤❤❤