Mama Dog Left Outside Shelter Tied To Her Babies | The Dodo

Mama Dog Left Outside Shelter Tied To Her Babies | The Dodo
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This mama dog was left outside a shelter tied to her puppies.

They’ve all been adopted now but she’s struggling in the shelter, so we sent her a box of toys, which she LOVED. Now all she needs is a family!

To learn more about adopting Nora visit @SPCAWestchester


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. This is heart breaking! 💔 why did they take her puppies away? Why did they let her have whatever her puppies so they can get adopted together but it made it look aggressive!!!!

    What is her status? Where is she???????!!!!???

  2. Mama dog 🙏would have been Absoultley terrified 😢 not only dumped but her babies in a the heavy carry case tied to her! Grateful she was found b4 she and her babies were seriously injured 🙏 shes a Gourgous Sweet dog and deserves Love and Kindness 🐶💕🙏🙏

  3. Evil ppl why would they do that. And you all should have allowed her too keep her puppies for a bit then foster. Poor mommy she misses them. She deserves a great family hoping for one with patience and won't leave her abandoned at a shelter or anywhere ever. God bless you mommy❤

  4. I'm not one of those pet lovers who thinks they're human beings like some people do although they do have human being like abilities. Or capabilities or images etc fucked them either way. They are wonderful creatures made by God and beautiful companions. Thank you for saving them both the mother and the babies thank you.

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