Scary videos from the internet and Nukes Tops viewers!
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Not Nuke’s Top 5, it’s a top 8 this time, who knows why. But lots of ghosts and scary stuff. We’ll cover ALL sorts of scary stories of allegedly REAL paranormal activity. You’ll see apparitions, weird EVPS, ghost hunters, scary tiktok ghosts, and everything else within the creepy, spooky realm of the supernatural. Does anyone read this far? IF ya do- there is a ghost caught on camera in a haunted house, Nues Tops 5 viewers sent in some creepy ghost videos, a poltergeist in a cabin in the woods, an exorcism, a ghost caught on a Ring cam /cctv, and more.
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If you liked this scary video, you should also check out these other Nukes Tops 5 parnormal Top 5 lists:
10 SCARY Videos That Are NIGHTMARE FUEL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqCvakxhYl4
And THEN maybe try:
Top 5 Ghost Videos SO SCARY You’ll Be SHOOK
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Yay The Blot Outdoor Show!
Anyone outside the North east of England will need a translator! He's from the same town as me.
I don't think that's a ghost in the 1st video. It looks like a post or coat rack.
At 15:00, i think it just a reflection from outside.. just look at the shaped.. it look exactly same.. it disappear maybe is a light effect from car..
First one is definitely a computer glitch, since if you believe in ghosts you’d know that they don’t behave like this, and if you don’t then it’s not a ghost.
Right as you said “downright chilling” it went to an ad for opera gx 😂
2:52 my uncle is a priest here in England and he always let me go ghost hunting at night at his churches back when I was a teenager, it was fun.
Labuan mentioned 🤔
Mwhat was that noise in the church
When your sleeping a monster appears in your room
Is that a possessed kid?
Oh my God that's hilarious and I kind of need abreak after those videos.😂. Nuke your literally the best in this business 🤙🏾 Thank You 23:29
That first video
Is absolutely demonic
That was a demon standing there
Second one was definitely fake silhouette. Adobe AE? 😂
Why do so many people have CCTV in their living rooms?! I dont get it.😅
Most Japanese ghost hunters get that full bodied apparition as clear as day even moves like a real person, seriously it's too fake.
super reupload👌👍……
16 minutes, you didn't see the apparition to the left when she closes the door.?
pa ano ako ng 9:52 may nakatayo e
6:11 When 1 can of beer for you = 1 40 oz bottle for everyone else
Amazing what bullshit you can make with technology these days. It's all clearly fake af only made to scare the weak minded religious people
1:19 people see kids before sudden Death.
In the first video both are clearly walking around the "apparition". It's clearly a hoax
that was a good episode nuke's 😀
I’m sorry but watching Mick stormed out from the old church made me lmfao 😂😂
i rebuke it 🤣🤣
#7 For bunch of skeptics, they get easily scared
#6 The teacher is brave
Scray movie in 2 seconds loolol
Dude scares his dad badly lol
15:13 that "little girl in a dress" looks more like a little alien grey entity, you can see the one eye and the alien like arm/hand.
The girl who has a mimic or poltergeist haunting her looks like the type who's dabbled with a Ouija board which would explain a lot. She's got that paganism vibe.
I cannot be the only one that saw what looked to be another entity outside of the house at #4. It looked like a man in his late 20s, with dark hair and a creepy smile.
nuke needs to stop including japanese ghost hunters… the videos are obviously fake 🙄😵💫
Morgan is prolly fake
Every time he asks , and I'm like , I didn't see shit lol .
i wasnt planning on watching this just yet but i just had to reward the adventure of thumbnails nuke went through to land on this perfect one
Tyrion and Bron became ghost hunters
That would be me as a grandma
As a believer in Jesus Christ it is mostly certainly evil spirits at play if the video is real that is
African dad knows whats up and how to deal with it if it were real. So many people who submit videos and are really scared should take notes.
why did you have to say "his african dad" and not just his dad lmao wtf
0:26 the dude looks like he avoids the object and squeezes between the thing and the bed. the lady walks around it, you can see their feet and they dont just walk through it. prob something is there and just looks weird due to the angle
Bro…when there’s a bunch of graves next to or surrounding a church it’s called a “cemetery” not a “graveyard”. Graveyards are just a field of graves not near any church.
Is this a reupload?
I only started the very first few seconds of the video and I feel like it may be
1. Absolutely terrifying
2. Downright chilling🥶
I don't like Japanese horror . It always looks fake .
Little kids “seeing someone“ is right up there with the bug on the lens, floating dust motes that are “orbs“ and security cameras that supposedly show ghosts. It feels like bottom of the barrel stuff for paranormal channel.
i think theres some people living above the church lol
I hate to say but how come 90% of these videos with full apparitions are foreign countries