Each rescue is different and the rescue team needs to be on high alert at all times to avoid injuries to themselves and the animal. Entangled seals are already compromised and feel threatened, and we can’t blame them: we do hunt them down, pin them to the ground, and poke around in often painful and infected wounds. Some seals have a completely different reaction to the rescue, and in rare occasions like on this day, they seem calm and stay around, as if they wanted to hang out for a while.
Seals aren’t pets and we never encourage unnecessary interaction, but we still enjoy human moments like this one very much.
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😊 Thank you for every like, share, comment and subscribe 😊
Ocean Conservation International is registered as a non-profit organisation under chapter 501(c)3. Donations are tax deductible in the United States. All donations are used to support the seal rescue team from Ocean Conservation Namibia
navy seals rescue mission.
I wonder. Do they bite?
God bless you all.
Petition to rename seal to sea doggo
Thank you – you are the real heroes.
Bless you guys! ❤
Great job guys 👏🏿💪🏿👏🏿💪🏿
I will advise my children not to litter anymore
You did good job. Helping someone in need but cant tell. God Bless You
You two men are rock stars. Thank you for what you do…..bless you and your families….
Some people are just freakin awesome. You guys rock.
Good job
Estes caras são anjos destes animais o que me impressiona são os pescadores não se corrigirem e continuarem dispensando suas linhas e redes no mar
The work you are doing is so inspiring and beautiful, I wish you all the best,GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND PEACE,JOY ,HAPPINESS !!!!❤ ❤❤❤ 😊
He must have heard about the backrubs 😂
Great job guys !!!
Wooowwww…your work is awesome!!! These creatures are soooo cute!!!
God bless you guys
Well done guys. 🙂
Well done those men.
You do great work, its good to see. At the end of the video it says its estimated that 1600 seals die, I was wondering how you come to this figure?
Thank you for caring for GODS animals.
Tony, you have a seal in a sack🦭❤
Its so adorable seeing em scramble and then put em in an arresting position lol.
"Stop you criminal seal"
Meanwhile in the seal's head "its so over"
BTW idk the guy's name but he reminds me of the main character from District 9, that guy's cool
God bless you for your work.
Give these guys a medal – good work all!
There is a huge difference between being human and a human being…Naudé you and your amazing team belong in the 'human being' group…so many thanks for your dedicated team work saving these hapless pups from human being's negligence❤❤
I think this is a good way to spend a morning.
You guys could have had a Mascot Pet to go with You.
Cute water dogs
❤️❤️❤️thank you for all you do
So they all swim out and get caught in something else. The cycle continues
Thank You !
those seals necks are too thisk, so that they cant bend and bite their capturers ;_;
i wanna catch a baby seal and save them ;_;
…but what if they just pushed all of them into a swarm of sharks or orcas? Look, I get the feel goods here but all those pups seemed to be hanging out on the sand for a reason.
Thank you all
Thank you for the amazing empathy you are giving back to the world.
Your just fattening them up so they grow bigger 😂