We investigated a SCARY haunted house in Minnesota for paranormal activity, and we captured some terrifying ghosts on camera. This video is disturbing, creepy and filled with disturbing moments. Viewer beware, you’re in for a scare!
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This was one terrifying investigation that came out of nowhere… and the twist towards the end of the video was absolutely freaky!!!
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Orb on top left at 1:42:51
Orb on top left at 1:42:51
Orb on top left at 1:42:51
Orb on top left at 1:42:51
"The dollhouse" thank you for a great video
Minnesota is the greatest!
I love how genuinely excited Minnesotans get whenever the state is mentioned haha
Omg that pitbull had clipped ears. They been doing that since way back then 🙁
Can't get fresh flowers in Minnesota 😂
I am actually looking for donations for Christmas for my two kids girl is 12 boy is 10. It's been a little rough right now and I haven't gotten them a single gift. I am Army Veteran. Now I'm powerless.
Aww man you guys went to my state!! I would’ve loved to meet y’all!!
I live a few hundred miles from there I didn't know about this would love to go 😮
I laughed so hard when Colin was like "Ugly ass doll" and everyones faces were like now woaaahhhh there 😂
I'm going to have to go there! I don't live too far from there.
The dollhouse
Super interesting location and investigation 👻👻
So why does it feel as though that doll has human eyes and teeth preserved in the doll…. Perhaps human hair??? 🤔 maybe I’m reading too much into it and skeptical but I feel like that’s not just any doll. 🤷🏻♀️
Glad to see you are exploring the Midwest even more! If you are still in Minnesota you need to try and get into Nopeming Sanitorium in between Duluth and Cloquet. The history and the horrors committed there are truly terrifying
Welcome to MN. I've lived here my whole life and never knew of this house or prison.
I could also tell you the significance of dolls and brujeria which is the mexican witchcraft. So many things That's not a little girl attached to that doll. A little girl's energy wouldn't be strong enough to make all that equipment go off at the same time.
I just became a subscriber. Not only did this creep me out but you guys ae hilarious. That doll has an evil attachment to it. Also what was going on downstairs may have had a lot to do with my native culture. I myself have experienced paranormal instances but I can also see hear and feel what most people can't. Keep up the great work. Another thing I love the fact that you guys try to uncover all the filth harming women and children. Having gone through something horrific as a child I can only say I wish someone would've done the same for me Great Work!!!!
7:35 anybody else notice that the fire looks like a dolls face?
I have read in past history that prisons where the inmates were to remain silent if they ever spoke they would get their tongue cut out! After so many warnings to remain silent! Couldn’t even talk in the meal hall! (Reason why they had to use hand signals even to request more food like manager mentioned)
Warden’s House in Stillwater, MN. Been there many times. I was there the first time and heard a child giggling. Keep going back.
The doll house, so close.
OH MY GOSH. YOU CAME TO MY STATE!!!!! Serious fan since you guys first started. I remember commenting ideas for you guys to visit back in the day, I’m so happy you guys finally came!!! 😖💕🙏🏻
I Highly recommend Glensheen Mansion in Duluth, MN. It is a very, very notorious story here. 😘🔥
Stillwater…home of the state prison. Over 25.😊
Stillwater is on the St. Croix River, NOT the Mississippi River.
Man I wish I knew you guys were here
Pappa spooks your had me LOL when you said you cannot enter me lol great episode guys
Creepy eyes on the doll. Not too far away from me.
THE DOLL HOUSE…. I gotta say,I miss Connors glasses lol❤❤
Stillwater is on the St Croix!. The Mississippi and St Croix meet in Prescott, WI about 25 miles south. The Mississippi actually goes through the Twin Cities from St Cloud.
Holy hell at 58:32 when Colin was saying the Reverends last name
that is my maiden name 😮😮😮 so crazy
Also the poison thing is the same theme mentioned before that, the plant hemlock is a poisonous plant
What’s with him wearing an occult symbol on his neck… it always makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable… especially since I found him thru the conspiracy files… dude should know better… Luciferians use the Ahnk…
The Doll House!🎎I was born in MN