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Sabemos que esses desastres que parece naturais são fabricados pelos seres do mal, lembrando que todos os maus pereceram pois os filhos de Deus serão salvos.
Sabemos que é difícil começar de novo, más o importante estar vivo e
com saúde.. Coisas materiais se constrói se compra, difícil é perder a família os amigos .. Não chores por perdas materiais.. Força Espanha …
Note fin c est l eau.
Goutte froide. Le réchauffement partout présent dans le monde ce n est plus les effets de serres ou autres s empire d une année à l autre que faire pour stopper notre technologie nos savoirs resté indemnent.
😢😢😢😢😢mamma ,scene apocalittiche
La Madre naturaleza es hermosa, todo lo transforma..!👍
1 John 1:8
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the
truth is not in us…(Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none
righteous, no, not one: (Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God
(ACKNOWLEDGE your a sinner) REPENT have a genuine remorse
for sinning against God.
BELIEVE with all your heart that Jesus IS the Son of God, that He
died for all of our sins paying the price in full, the price that we
ourselves should pay and that He ROSE from the dead on the 3rd
day, seek the Lord for forgiveness of your sins.
CONFESS your sins with your mouth, with a humbled heart and
receive the Holy Spirt and Jesus as Lord and Saviour over your life
be BORN AGAIN in Christ & be Saved, put all your FAITH & TRUST
in the Lord, then go into all the world spreading the Gospel of Christ
to all people, follow the Lord and all His Commands. God bless all
who read these words.🕊🙏❤👑
This is the gospel of Christ.
John 3:16
ROMANS 3:23-24
Colossians 1:14-15
Ephesians 2:8-9
Matthew 4:17
Acts 16:31
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 10:8-10
John 14:6
John 14:15-16
ACTS 2:38
For whosoever will believe, shall be saved & JESUS CHRIST will
raise you up unto Himself at the last day this is the Lord's
promise to All who will BELIEVE in HIM. John 14:15-16 then take
up your cross and follow Jesus and keep His Commandments.
Matthew 22:37-40 GOD bless all who read these words. 🕊🙏
정말 무서워요 많은국가가 홍수로 고통받고있내요 우리나라한국은 눈이많이와서 힘들었지요 하나님의뜻이 어디에계실지 우리는 서로를위해 기도해야합니다 선을이루기위해 ~~❤❤❤
De cuando es esto? Octubre ?
Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏🏼❤️🕊Repent,believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
When? DATE always PLEASE
Tanda akhir jaman
Plant trees can restore our normal ecology..Rev.11:15,18 all mountains are all bald,, trees can have fresh water and air– see Testigos de Jehova, saksi ni Jehova
It should be all baptized will experienced it. John 3:5
Do you think Jesus like it half of Jehovah's witnesses go to paradise they are all persecutions no 100 houses, fields, relatives? Mark 10:29,30
Arrodinllense Dice Dios todarodilla se doblará lo dice la palabra amén soiCristiana y tengo prueba de que Dios esta VIVO ten misericordia Señor de España❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mark 10:29,30 a hundred houses, fields, relatives.. with persecutions today system and in new system..— there are Jehovah's witnesses they are 20- 30 years in preaching but they feel all persecutions no 100 hundred houses..
Que Dios tenga misericordia de España Dios es el creador del Universo Créelo hasta cuando la humanidad va estar de ?Yncredula? Clamen a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado 😮llegará un día que lo llamarán y el no escuchará Cristo !Cristo vive! Oy mañana y siempre 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Si asi va a seguir, mejor que abandonen el lugar.
😢 Gracias a Dios ya hay lugares solo lodo hay oh pobre gente 😞 Dios les proteja😮
Repent, Repent, you must repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Be Born AGAIN for the remission of your sins and keep the commandments of your heavenly Father. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🕊
GOD never forgot what they did to Jews at the SPANISH INQUISITION 😢
🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴unde e această catastrofă ?