Best Fails of the Week | Ridin’ Dirty 😎

Best Fails of the Week | Ridin’ Dirty 😎
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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 69 million fans across digital platforms! From our team to you all, thank you for your support 😊

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About the Author: FailArmy


  1. I really do feel like had I been in one of these clips myself… Witnessing someone just failing hard at a basic task like opening a door or a bottle… I would be extremely unsympathetic and just respond with "Gods… You can't F***ing do anything right, can you?" before just walking away or doing whatever said person failed at myself.

    Not a lot of faith in Humanity as one can probably tell. You can thank working Technical Support and spending upwards of an hour on something I know would only take 10 minutes at best if I just did it myself.

  2. FailArmy BIG FAIL AGAIN! Here we go with “no one was harmed” when they clearly were, things fuzzed out for no reason. When people DO get seriously injured you don’t mention that.

    And we do not need any more people slipping on icy stairs.

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