This is the most deranged weirdo of all time
00:00 Faking Your Job
11:38 World’s Chillest Man
20:58 He’s Trying To Become Immortal
30:16 I Almost Killed MeatCanyon
40:48 Porch Pooper Must Be Stopped
48:57 Strongest Warrior on Earth
01:00:02 Cucumber Villain Terrorizes Washington DC
When he said the world's chillest man the first thing that came to mind was the guy who lit a cig while a robbery was happening. Funny af(and fitting) that's what he was talking about😂
Butt cumber
18:10 yoooo im in kc 😮🫣😂
33:10 lol he looks like the guy in hangover, the 1 who got punch by Mike Tyson 😅( idk his name)
29:50 this was unironically the first immediate thought I had when Charlie mentioned the boys doing this test, it's genuinely gonna flip the mood of the video 180° if someone comes back as infertile.
this is stupid, why has charlie not talked about me. consequently, I am not in this compilation. so you know what charlie, I'm not gonna give some of your videos a like until you talk about how absolutely INSANE I am.
thats about it, cya
diddy part ???? idk 1:05:00
pls put condoms on ur cucumbers
1:02:12 he licks his hand and give it a hawk tuah 😂 he did in fact spit on that thing charlie😂
1:02:00 the birds are chirping…. n everything
46:53 my go each clip homies looking a different way 😂
46:50 couldnt have said a better pun lol😂
46:20 dawg is the reason his under garments have a stain innem…. homie didnt change his clothes or wipe for 3 or 4 days. did you wash ur ahs😂😂😂😂
1:01:27 did not anticipate a brother
Can you put a “cucumber butt” warning? I feel traumatized.
Keanu Reeves meets Kylo Ren meets Jesus….😂