A compilation of farm animals being saved by other farm animals and their owners!
Original clips:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_1-VuwRfE
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f57i40S5M4
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgEg7YqUCcQ&t=2s
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10u75frLYkQ
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fILQB6WL5UU
Music: Epidemic Sound
0:00 Goat Saves Chicken
0:23 Rooster To The Rescue!
0:45 Let Go of My Chicken!
01:29 Ninja Rooster + Man vs Fox
02:34 Fox vs Birds + Chicken + Human
1:46 that rooster just jumped the fox.
Watching that rooster fight that falcon is like watching two dinosaurs duke it out
Goats saved my life from a dog that was trying to kill me
My roosters killed hawks
Whoah, that last fox had aerial support. Crazy!
You guys need a farm no Fox to get in
I wonder if i could catch a fox in that situation. I mean I can run for miles witouth even being tired.
Ah yes, the most dangerous farm animal indeed: humans
The human farm animals should be armed
the rooster that saves the hen at nr2 is fucking awsome
Rooster and house wives are no joke.
These people need dogs, if not livestock guardian dogs. Just the stress of local predators, around, without an attack, is a health hazard.
Damn, that last one ran out of the shower just to save his precious hen, such commitment and love for their critters <3
That rooster was like, "and don't come back, b*tch", lol!
That rooster in the second video was out for blood lol, the bird was saved by the fence.
I can relate. Keeping yard birds can be a tricky business.
If only we could save them from human predators
You do Not Mess with roosters. In the Ninja Rooster clip, there was at least one other rooster squaring up to have a go if the first one wasn't successful. I know a young Bantam (mini) rooster that killed a rat, they don't mess around.
What the hell? Foxes gotta eat.
dude crows are so smart. they followed the fox while he was hunting because they knew they might get leftovers
I was happy to see humans in this video. I've chased predators away along side my roosters before too. 😁
Birds weren't helping in that 4th vid, they were just waiting for scraps
I have never seen more love, pure unadulterated love, in the entire animal kingdom than what Roosters would do for their Hens.
3:25 who needs clothes just run after the fox
It's the suspenseful music for me
Fox news: no chicken today
I need a chicken army
In that first one, the rooster tried to help the chicken, but the goat stepped in and said "hold my beer."
Ninja rooster wasn't much of an exaggeration 😂
The chickens and I think a turkey/hen in one of the videos were so bravely trying to fight with the fox to save their friend rather than hiding for themselves really shocked me and made me cry and completely changed how I used to think about prey animals
Don't mess with a rooster!
So the man and the woman are farm animals too 😂😂 title say farm animals save each other from predators
Good job guys…yall behave better than humans
The human ones are good. But nothinnnnn touches that goat and that rooster. Touched my heart.
This is why owning a gun or a big dog is crucial to haveing livestock
I have lurchers. No foxes in my garden.😂
Farm animals are a lot smarter than many people realize. Many of them are also known to be able to feel emotions such as sadness, fear, and joy. Cows for example actually have friends whom they interact with. Horses too can form strong bonds with other animals as well as people. Same goes for goats, pigs, etc. Katie Van Slyke for example, runs her own farm in (I believe) Tennessee. She’s got beef cows, mini goats, a couple donkeys, mini horses and regular size horses, some barn cats, and a rather large pig named Winston. Each of these animals has their own quirks. Winston for instance, is quite the drama king when someone has to trim his hooves (to keep them in check) The mini horse Squirt is notorious for acting like a little turd quite frequently. Some of his best known antics are rolling around in dirt moments after he’s given a bath. Perhaps the most remarkable story involving one of Katie’s animal friends, is the horse foal named Seven (Katie calls him Baby Seven) Seven was born at 286 days gestation, whereas the normal time an adult horse is pregnant for, is between 320-340 days, though this can vary a little bit depending upon the breed of horse. Despite all he’s been through since his birth months ago, Seven is doing pretty well these days. He’s got his preferences, he’s got his dislikes, and he sometimes likes to explore (and occasionally get into a little trouble)
1:44 choas absolute upheaval 😮
Bro has a vendetta against that fox💀 2:13
Lol I love the last one with the magpies following the carnage like sports referees or commentators. Like: „HE ALMOST HAS HIM HE ALMOST HAS HIM! wait … AND THERE COMES THE HUMAN WITH A STEEL Chair!!!“
That last one I was really surprised to see at first. Blue jays are actually $5 box. And then they kind of leave at some point I guess racing around the house because crow start coming in. Though they aren't dive bombing the fox. They are sliding down and calling and trying to break off the fight. There is so much chaos going on and yet i'm here for
I had to put down my rooster the other day. He protected the hens against a fox, but was wounded in the process, and the wound would not heal properly.
Such a good rooster, always 100% friendly to the children, chickens and the hens.
I'm sorry but I was only expecting to see farm animals saving each other, as the title says…when I saw that the lady saved the chicken, that was hilarious xD
Ну сьела и сьела бедная лисичка курицу. Ей же тоже нужно кушать!
But nobody saves them from the farmer