Boxing Martial Artist, Pak, Breaks Down Kazuma Kiryu’s Heat Action, Essence of Relentless Barrage with Taekwondo Fighter, Nero.
#scenicfights #martialarts #yakuza0 #yakuza #likeadragon #gaming
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About Fight Scene Breakdown:
Scenic Fights’ Fight Scene Breakdown is the best martial arts fight scene breakdown that not only gives you expert analysis on the action scene, but also visually demonstrates the martial arts fight choreography.
Currently, season 1 features Pekiti Tirsia Kali Expert Logan Lo, black belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu MMA Fighter, Chad Vázquez, Judo black belt, Pak, Wing Chun Martial Artist, Fattaah and Taekwondo black belt, Nero.
Watch our other video game breakdown episodes which includes Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter and more
Let us know in the comments below, which video game, movie or anime fight scene you’d like to see us breakdown next!
About Scenic Fights:
Scenic Fights is the new place to celebrate the lifestyle and culture of martial arts practitioners, entertainers and action movie fans.
We are just a bunch of martial arts action fans trying to grow a community we love. Help us by liking, sharing, hitting that notification bell and subscribing with us.
About Yakuza 0 (source Wikia)
Yakuza 0 is set in Japan’s bubble era, a period of extremely high property prices in Japan during the second half of the 1980s; it takes place from December 1988 to January 1989. The game’s two principal locations are Kamurocho, Tokyo, and Sotenbori, Osaka. These locations are fictionalized versions of Kabukicho, Tokyo and Dotonbori, Osaka, respectively.
Buy Yakuza 0 from the YouTube Shop.
Sound designed and mixed by:
Robert Acocella, MPSE
Welcome Back Pak! Which other Heat Action or Fight Scene should we breakdown from the Like of Dragon series??
Shoutout to Discord User maddestgeorge for sending us this gameplay footage!
Best franchise
I honestly thought this was going to be a weapon analysis of the kick pads. (Yes, I had to look up their name).
Do more MHA
More yakuza!
Yakuza 0 may be my favorite Yakuza game. Or the one after that.
who else was waiting for a full fluent showcase
That's Rad !
it's about time you guys break down yakuza
I wish to see zangetsu but I don't you guys take requests
Plz do baki version
Says 0, shows Kiwami lol (joking, both are practically the same game with some tweaks here and there)
Do lets break down the janitor Willy's wonderland
Please discuss how tiger drop negates all damage
I learned how to feight a kick into a high kick
You guys should break down Death's scythes from Puss in boots
Hey guys, can you break down heat actions from Kurohyou Black Panther 2? It's an MMA like game which was made by SEGA for the PSP and its set in the Yakuza universe. It has some awesome animations
Steve fox Tekken 8 fighting style or breakdown
Please do Kroenen's tonfa blades from Hellboy 🙏 🙏🙏
Can you break down the shillelagh?
"That's rad!" 🕺🏻
😳 I ain’t EVER seen a question mark kick that FAST AND CLEAN! 🔥
please do how legit is essence of disarming
it would be awesome if you do these moves in real life as a demo as u explain em