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This dog was found wearing clothes in the middle of summer by a man and his friends. They approached the dog to try and help but the dog just started running from them. Knowing that he may be a missing dog, they kept following him.
The dog kept panting as he half ran half walked due to heat and exhaustion but he didn’t stop. He led the man into a garbage field where he finally stops to sniff some rotten food.
So they gave the dog something to eat. That got the dog trust them more. The dog was wearing new year’s clothes, which means that the dog has been missing since probably January of that year.
Determined to help the dog, they remove the clothes and told him that they’ll keep it for him. They took the dog home and shave off his matted fur. They’ll try and reunite the dog with his lost family.
God bless you for staying with him an got him.
Poor dog ..she/he look sad
Thank you so much for saving this dog.
I pray to Jesus this dog will has a loving family again and forever home. healty. happy and save.Amen.
God bless you❤❤❤
Thank you sir for rescuing the dog hope the dog reunite with his family
Thanks for rescued this dog. It was so hard for him to live on the streets. Please adopt him if you can not find his owner.
Thank you for helping!!!
Oh 😢no 😮good some there ! To help ,🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️
Plz reunite with it's family❤❤❤❤
I fully agree,BUT I would say to you that IF he was missing he wouldn't be out in the garbage field with that awful shirt on in full summertime is a sign of being left by he's owner and I would bet my own tangled fur that he's been left. And seeing this makes my heart bleed. Who in there right mind would leave such a lovely little pup? No one here surely would not leave an xpensive little 'Bichon Friseé' and they are non allergic little rase that actually grow hair and not fur. I've been a happy owner of said rase of dog, JUST because I am an allergic person but he's hair never even made me fatigue or even felt any allergic reaction ❤😮❤ Thank u for being such a lovely dog lover and took him with you, PLS keep him. Don't let him go back to that life, which isn't a life at all😊
Thank you very much.❤️🌹👌👌👍🙏
God bless them❤
margaretebigliazziguarienti ❤️, parabéns pelo resgate, que Deus te abençoe sempre e muito ❤❤❤❤
Thank you for your kindness. Continue to keep him safe and healthy even if the owner isn't found.
❤❤❤that's love. Thank you for sharing and giving the dog your gift of love.
Thanks for being the pups hero❤❤
Yes thank you😊
Pls keep him if he did not see his owner God bless you🙏🕊❤️💕❤️💓🦜💓🦋🕊🙏🕊🙏🕊🙏🕊🙏🕊🙏🕊🙏
Thank you for helping this little one❤
Miles de gracias por rescatar , ayudar y dar amor a este perrito abandonado y mal tratado por la vida. Dios te bendiga.
Thank you for your kind heart. I hope you will adopt that cute dog. I see that he is cute need only a bath and a good grooming
God bless yy
It appears the dog was abandoned. Thank you for helping this dog. All dogs deserve a loving, stable and safe home. Hope the new owner has the kindest heart. ❤
Thank you for being a good person
I know the owner is heart broken I hope the owner is found, The dog looks like it's been on the run for quite a long time.
I hope so he or she's 🐑 adorable I hope he get lots of love ❤❤❤❤
Thank you for helping Amen
What a precious angel God bless you❤❤❤❤
Thanks for your kindness ❤❤❤
YOU Ppl filming & acting in videos are the ones torturing Animals… You will experience in Your Life all the things You Do to Animals.
Thank you for careing and sharing beautiful 😍 🤩 👌 ❣️ ❤️ 💕 😍 🤩 👌
I'm so glad he found him poor baby he needs a good thank you for helping
Thax for saving doggy hope he finds his home❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you jesus to help the poor puppy❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Good job…great people u are