Nightwing fights against Police Brutality

Nightwing fights against Police Brutality
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About the Author: Shine Comics


  1. damn the pop filter's suffering, the nightwing comics are worth a read tho for whoever hasn't given them a chance, they aren't as top tier as taylor's runs but still not bad

  2. This is literally the type of stuff that would make a regular ass hero like you and me into just anti-heroes at this point because because we all agree the worst thing you can do end up killing we're doing something horrible to child it's never acceptable why do you think certain bad guys have a rule about going against children

  3. I have a problem with this. To many people know that dick grayson is nightwing. Way to many villains just up and know. That means they know batmans identity.

  4. Real excited for this run!
    Tom Taylor’s work was feel-good and had a lot of nice moments that I liked, but Ngl, it felt more like “Dick and Friends” than “Nightwing” the longer I read it (good but a little meandering too, like every problem could be solved with a phone call). I’m personally pumped to see something more gritty with Dan Watters!

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