A murder witness, Virender Kumar, was shot dead by three assailants at his barber shop in Sersa village of Sonepat district on Sunday night. CCTV footage shows three masked men arrive on a motorcycle before two of them take turns to fire at Virender while he is attending to a customer. The assailants fled after firing in the air. Virender’s family that stays nearby rushed to his rescue but it was too late. The family said a customer was shot dead at Virender’s shop a year ago. Virender was the prime witness and suffered bullet injuries, too. Following the incident, he shifted his shop from the village outskirts to near his house and installed CCTV cameras. “Since he was the prime witness of that murder, he was getting threats to not record his statement. He defied the threats and went for the court hearing last month,” said his father, Jai Bhagwan.
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There’s killas everywhere
India is worst place to live
Three dudes on a bike might be the most diddy shi ive ever seen
Dirty country
Average American barber shop
You see 3 dudes on a bike and that’s normal for yall?? Nah
What is that?
Yet youtube fucks with gun channels, freakin hypocrites.
Bruh thats the sound of the buffalo rifle in westbound (roblox)
All of them getting on that motorcycle is crazy… what low lifes. Rip to that man. He tried to play dead and they still came back… scary af
Nothing will come of this; after a while, they'll get bail from the court since no evidence will be found
This is really shameful and scary that they did this
Ye kya ho raha hai desh me ,😢
was a mob of other barbers mad at him for taking there costumers ? this is sad 🙁
That's for messing up my hair
I confirm it's mean this is True
Bad Haircut ? Maybe
The customer was a witness to murder..so that means 🤔…
Bro It's not clear -_-
The irony is that these 3 assailants killed a murder witness and then spare another person (the one who got the hair-cut) to be another murder witness 🤔
Every human should own guns.
Iski to gai.😂
Cock soccers without a weapen they are nothing they dont know how ro fight is sad bithes
Islam peaceful 😂😂
Welcome to haryana. State of uneducated
Nowadays human life is so cheap ! Save animals !😂
i cant watch because im too young
Bro i would shit my fucking pants literally . Everytime i get a hair cut i usually close my eyes and if that was me and that happen jesus christ idk what would happen.
lol eye for an eye puny humans
Би ч бас ншшгегын дашням алыг лифтэнд ингэж буудах болно, тун удкуу
Nothing on here,, crap
I bet these three men are running free because it happened in India😢
modi hain toh mumkin hain