We count down the Top 5 scariest and most mysterious things caught on baby monitors and nannycams.
nanny camera hacked, Voice nanny cam
Watch This Brave Nanny Save Two Kids as Boiler Explodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHzpvm7lLQU&t=74s
Creepy music from baby monitor
3:47 what’s the one broke my sound barrier
Kaboom Yes Miko kaboom. 3:47
Sometimes people can be scarier than ghosts.
Not me liking everyones comments so yall can come back… Ehehe
WTF you need to get out of Ohio an amarica
This is more like something you would see on "Paranormal Activty".
Ghosts aren't real but spirits are.
This is giving me the chills
0:21 I’m annoying for this but :”who believes in goast-“
It feels my wall has been weakened.
that man had to be some predator to watch a nanny change a babys diaper what a freak
Ghosts and spirits like newborns or babies because they are untainted souls.
I’m going back 5 yrs to get my Nuke’s fix.
Baby monitor surveillance is creepy enough. I wouldn't trust the companies or the Fed Gov when it comes to privacy. The camera footage can be sold by the corporation and they are manufactured by Chinese companies to begin with. Also why aren't parents with their baby? Why even produce a baby if you care so little you put them under camera surveillance like criminals in their jail cell? Why isn't the working mother at home raising her child instead of paying someone else to do it? No wonder why millenials are lost. If both parents have to work to afford the absurd cost of living then why even bother contributing another future body to the slave system?
It strikes me as a product that is non-essential, but taxed. Such as baby formula. Nature provides us with eyes and arms to hold a baby, and mother's natural milk. Yet people choose to pay for these products that are taxed meaning you need even more money to afford it. Plus I really wouldn't trust the social elites to stay out of your home life regarding home surveillance. CPS could even unjustly weaponize it against parents. While the CCP laughs in pools of extra monetary gain. It's creepy enough I can't go anywhere without being recorded on cameras without consent. Why bring that prison life into your own home? Why normalize the life of constantly being under creepy tech surveillance? A future where the Gov mandates tech surveillance in your home. "For your own safety," they say. I feel awful for today's youth having to face this future of having zero privacy anywhere. "Smart" cities as a concept is scarier than anything paranormal.
When my mom used to babysit my niece, she would hear crying on the baby monitor, go upstairs to check on her, and the baby would be sound asleep. Sometimes she would hear peoples voices on it. She figured it was one of the neighbors with their baby, felt weird about hearing their conversations and shut it off. Still kinda eerie though.
Nuke top 5, got tagged teamed by the whole devils hour team… don’t believe me just Google it. Lemon party 0:44
3:45 someone forgot to turn the stove off
Someone forgot to turn the stove off
Who you gonna call 0:22 ? Goats butter! Who you gonna call ghostbusters
Last night I'm David's mum on the morning today um my mummy said the weird breathing coming from my bed and I say mummy I wasn't even breathing when I was sleeping even Maya cause she even bereavement to sleeps but only but it was delayed or even a spraising Murray hand who's coming from And I was like mummy it was never me of never Maya there's only 2 people in my room and me my sister I'm literally The next thing is one time I was sleeping my mummy and daddy's room and then I heard knocking on under bed knocking like knock knock was making matter and then I looked at the picture up on the wall it was cricket and it was straight when I looked at it not cricket and she had a money tin and was the right way and get and then a fit it fail off the edge when it was respected it was you suck it's a musical ninja's teeth and my mummy and daddy's room does Cape 2 tapes and then see They were moving Sorry I decide to curse sports buthen my house was always hammer it's brought this in London house now it's copying sure it'll be painted and all that's better but one time I something was going wrong so what things what happened to the breathing 1 is so scarcely in the knocking I hate that 1 so see when I was in my room there is a pile of clothes on my bed I wasn't even kicking it and then the clothes started to slip off the bed and nobody was eating pizza but I'm starting to open a car boot when I talk to someone I don't want to hear my Dolly's the curtains start the open give it oh so and then my mummy and all that stuff it's really bad so please can you help me
My first wife and I had baby monitors in the late 90s. It would pickup cell phone calls from my close neighbors.
oops i did not mean to say number 4 i meant to say number 3
number 4 was actually creepy