AHS rescues dozens of dogs and cats from horrific conditions in northern Minnesota

AHS rescues dozens of dogs and cats from horrific conditions in northern Minnesota
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The animals were confiscated from a property in the town of Hines in Beltrami County on Dec. 6. The owners face multiple charges involving animal mistreatment.


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  1. Corporations like United Health Care with their $510 BILLION dollar profit. Should step up and donate money and resources to pay for rescued animals care and upkeep. Do something positive for the community you’re taking money from for once.

  2. The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. We thank the Lord for heroes who help those who cannot help themselves.

  3. Why does it take 1 month to get an arrest warrant? From November dead cats to December arrest? in October when conditions were so horrific animals were fighting over stool to eat, why wasn’t aggressive intervention achieved then? What judge is sitting on his fat ass?

  4. So sad 😭😭 as to what happen to them..esp to those who perished..i hope the remaining alive will not experience this ever again..i pray 🙏🙏🙏 all of them will go to wonderful homes 🏡🏠🏡.❤❤❤❤

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