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Tony Northrup, an FAA-certified expert drone pilot and professional photographer and videographer, analyzes mystery drone footage to give you the TRUTH about the suspicious UFOs.
0:00 Introduction
0:35 Squarespace Promo
1:17 Hazardous Drone Operation in Boston
2:08 Forcefield Drone Video Footage Analyzed
3:14 Closeup of Drone from Airplane Video Footage Analyzed
5:52 New Jersey Drone Video Footage Analyzed
6:14 Truck-Sized Drones?
7:54 How to Track Planes & Drones
9:16 Sanity Checks
11:43 Occam’s Razor
13:11 Recency Effect
14:28 Conspiracies are Real
15:42 Squarespace Promo
Go to http://squarespace.com/Tony & save 10% off your first website or domain with code “Tony"
Excellent as usual. This is going to make my life as a commercial architectural and drone photographer even more difficult. And forget the haters; they stopped here searching drone news waiting for JRE to post.
Okay but whats up with the orbs? What are they? Maybe demonic entities?
Well done Tony. Glad to see someone out there has a brain. I had a drone and because I live less than a mile from a regional airport I wasn't allowed to fly it even in my own back yard. I finally sold it. One thing you didn't mention is that even drone pilots are supposed to file a flight plan and have it approved prior to flying. As any pilot will tell you flying without a flight plan can get you in a lot of trouble to include losing your license or even having the drone confiscated.
Orbs; We know they are not drones but the US government bought Drones from company named ZenaTech to chase these orbs flying around.. People are getting confused thinking these orbs could be drone.. they are distracting the Public.
These orbs could be the watchers, are a group of angels in biblical and apocryphal texts who are described as watching over humanity, but who fall from grace and commit sins: "fallen angels" which now they are demons.. who rebelled against God.We know they are not drones but the US government bought Drones from company named ZenaTech to chase these orbs flying around.. People are getting confused thinking these orbs could be drone.. they are distracting the Public.
These orbs could be the watchers, are a group of angels in biblical and apocryphal texts who are described as watching over humanity, but who fall from grace and commit sins: "fallen angels" which now they are demons.. who rebelled against God.
Psyops use repeated words. There's recent you tube guy posted on this. Interesting that this guy, POTUS, PBT Podcaster, etc…. all using the same word "Nefarious" in briefings. Anyone else notice this?
I love this so much. The zinger at the end made me laugh at the absurdity and is 2024 in a nutshell. Thank you for your education and insight.
Such bullshit. They're in the news because the activity is NOT ordinary … people aren't complaining about ordinary drones. The amount and extent of activity (Ohio, Virginia, and other states) is clearly NOT normal. Not one piece of footage of the many 'unexplained' drones – just a few you can explain. Not one interview with a witness – police officer, scientist , government official (one of the mayors is a combat helicopter pilot), etc. Why do they fly at night – because they do .. duh. They have some sort of agenda – the government says it's not them (John Kirby) and it's not a foreign entity. They might have FAA lights, but they don't have transponders. Maybe they don't want to get hit by ordinary drones. They are there, they are real and we don't know who they are or what they are doing. Occam's razor: hundreds of people are seeing some type of craft in the night sky … most simple explanation? They know they're seeing something real and unusual, so they are concerned and reporting it. And the government acknowledges they don't know. So, YOU do ?
Such bullshit. They're in the news because the activity is NOT ordinary … people aren't complaining about ordinary drones. The amount and extent of activity (Ohio, Virginia, and other states) is clearly NOT normal. Not one piece of footage of the many 'unexplained' drones – just a few you can explain. Not one interview with a witness – police officer, scientist , government official (one of the mayors is a combat helicopter pilot), etc. Why do they fly at night – because they do .. duh. They have some sort of agenda – the government says it's not them (John Kirby) and it's not a foreign entity. They might have FAA lights, but they don't have transponders. Maybe they don't want to get hit by ordinary drones. They are there, they are real and we don't know who they are or what they are doing. Occam's razor: hundreds of people are seeing some type of craft in the night sky … most simple explanation? They know they're seeing something real and unusual, so they are concerned and reporting it. And the government acknowledges they don't know. So, YOU do ?
You reviewed the worst most blurry footage LOL
Why don’t you review the anomalous clear footage ppl made?
Get to the bottom of what, your bottle of "just for men",silver.
Top quality bullsht.
Wtf are you talking g about?
Why are state officials having press conferences about planes?
You are full of crap.
You do not have the answers.
Any recommendations for a lens with the most ufo looking bokeh? 😅
Yet again, another inside job that will lead to tragedy and to draconian laws to erase all remaining freedoms
It’s interesting how everybody who’s downplaying the importance of these sightings is stating they are not “nefarious”… this has become a real buzz word. I’m sure we get a lot of hyped up sightings, but nobody can say that this activity hasn’t just ramped up out of nowhere and that these objects aren’t flying frighteningly low to the ground at times and in places they should not be like over people‘s homes. I really don’t care about the privacy of a person who’s going to fly a drone or whatever it is close to my house in that manner!
I'm happy to see some rational thought and a reasonable level of skepticism. Your explanations surely apply to some part of what's going on. And some of the videos — especially the most bizarre ones — I've seen seem highly likely to be intentional hoaxes. BUT, and this is a big but, if ALL of the sightings are totally explainable by the reasons you laid out, why is Congress holding classified briefings on the matter? Why are the majority of these sightings taking place around military bases? And why is the government refusing to reveal anything to the public if it's nothing but a tempest in a teapot?
I’ve been seeing these for going on 14 years. Was wondering when it would increase.
Ok, Mr siverfox, allow me to retort. Firstly , your Bokeh ball explanation only goes a certain distance, it can NOT explain some profound footage of orbs (from around the earth) that were zoomed in on, and these orbs turned off and back on again. Secondly, they then exhibited the ability of instantaneous acceleration and making impossible G FORCE crashing turns, at times at Mark 5/6/12 times the speed of sound. Do these descriptions , many of which has come from expert witnesses sound like “Bokeh ball”? Over to you sir.
It's the Pentax Overlords descending from the Heavens.
Port has 4 letters and port wine 🍷 is red. That will tell you what side of the airplane ✈️ you see. Green is the right side.
Sheriffs can’t get close to them and don’t know either! Also there is a rumor that they are looking for dirty bombs or homemade nukes
But some people did report some of these drones flying directly right above their house; which is where they made the observation as being as big as a SUV or car size. And not just one observer buy various reported accidents. I believe these people, and know that they used the relationship of the building to make that distinction. Roughly four years ago, I and a family member witnessed a huge otherworldly strange spaceship that was shaped like a “U” shape and was as big as a large semi-truck.
Do you work for the government ? You sound like the government . You obviously have not seen what others are seeing How are you commenting when you haven't witnessed shit? !!!
I mean the reason planes are tracked is for eachother flying, so they don't crash into eachother, how high they go, a lot of people, crash is almost always fatal…its not really a question why drones do need to be tracked like that. Just a flat out hell no. If you do something wrong, the suthorities will get a hold of you no problem.
Now… I think yes, a lot of this is mass hysteria, but the best evidence is everything before this went viral and mainstream, because its been going on for awhile before media blew it up.
Id say there is a few that just have me completely stumped, that there is just no good answer, and i think all the people that were seeing that regularly are frustrated because it all got washed away with non sense. You can hardly find some of the real evidence because of all the bs.
What if this things are not drones and they here to wipe out us simply bombs or other kind weapons
Aliens are real owners of earth and humans👽 and they here to stop self destruction of human civilisation it means we are extremely close to starting nuclear war 👽☠️ and they knows after this potentially catastrophic disaster humans will be facing Armageddon so they should interrupt to stop it or second theory they here to wipe out humanity because human race failed in some ways same as previous civilisations. 👾🤖🗿
Thank you. Conspiracy, -more like "everybody has too much peace we need to shake em up" ugh 😑 🙄
Screw the drones
Explain the Orbs my guy
Orbs in sky are government not alien.
The government has seen what even small drones can do in Ukraine and other conflict zones. They're absolutely going to take advantage of any public hysteria to be able to clamp down on drone use as that's what government does – protect itself by controlling the population. Never let a public panic go to waste. That's why the politicians have been sowing the panic and claiming there's some kind of "Iranian drone mother ship" off the coast. They want an excuse to pass more laws to limit our rights and make sure their power never gets threatened. Don't be surprised if they slip some new laws hiding it in some must-past legislation further limiting drone size and increasing registration requirements in the near future. Don't be surprised if they try to ban building your own drone as well – they'll call them "ghost drones" or something similar to smear them just like other "things" that the government hates that you can build yourself. Gotta stop those scary untraceable drones!
Click thumb down everbody😊
Only in america 😂😂😂
Hahaha it is so funny! We are in the middle of a communication with an alien inter-dimensional race and people are making fun of it, or talking about drones.
2:27 Why have the "Bulb" a dark Center? 5:40 Why have the "Airplane" Searchlght lenf and right and no in Front? 6:10 are Green Headlights FAA Conform? 9:10 Drones need GPS to navigate rght? 11:15 Maybe these Drones can watch true Walls and is abke to Scan the Underground? 11:42 Are there many Moves with friendly Aliens? 12:34 Who belive that someone fly a Drone so far away without any trackabke navigaton tool?
I don't trust anyone named Northrup
You can’t just explain a few videos and pretend that debunks the entire phenomenon.
Yes, most people don’t know how to take photos. Yes, most people don’t have the expensive setup to capture these unknown aircraft in high definition or, if they do, do not have it handy when observing the unknown aircraft. Yes, some people are jumping the gun after all this came out, and mistaking regular aircraft for these unknown aircraft.
Still, the government is holding press conferences about these things. Still, police forces are reporting that 50 of these unknown aircraft were observed coming off the ocean. Still, not everyone is an ignorant nut case who’s reporting these sightings. Several things can be true at once. People can be identifying these unknown aircraft accurately, and others could just be seeing a Boeing 737. This video is not intellectually honest nor well researched in my opinion.
Its most likely Joby Aviation, they have a Vertiport in Kearny NJ just outside Newark. They announced months ago that they were aggressively pursuing FAA Certification and would be conducting airspace integration tests for their EVTOL Air Taxis for a product/service launch in 2025. They match the size and flight capabilities of the early 'drone' sightings. Add some social media and mass hysteria and there you go.
Don't worry, guys. All of the undocumented, untracked drones that have FAA compliant lights are just airplanes.
Also, there have been problems. This is well documented. Multiple military bases have reported loitering unidentified aircraft in their air space going back years up to an influx recently in certain areas.. Law enforcement and other credible witnesses have reported a bizarre increase in aircraft activity to include up to several dozen aircraft that are unacknowledged and not tracked or registered with the FAA.
Just because there are false reports and some people are in-fact recording typical aircraft doesn't mean the phenomena isn't happening… That's a cop-out for something that really is happening. If you're going to make a video basically refuting the entire phenomenon, then at least find some of the videos that aren't obviously BS. How many out of focus mundane light sources accelerate at hundreds of G's or fly around in the sky in unpredictable patterns doing impossible maneuvers?
Another self-proclaimed drone expert. Next year the Ivy league schools will be offering a course on the benefits of DEI drone operation.