Powerful earthquake in Indonesia: all in footage! Exclusive video

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A massive earthquake has struck Indonesia, causing widespread destruction and chaos. The powerful quake has left a trail of devastation, with buildings toppled, roads cracked, and debris scattered everywhere. Caught on camera, the terrifying moment the earthquake struck, showing the intense shaking and panic as people scramble to safety. The full extent of the damage is still unclear, but one thing is certain – this is a disaster of epic proportions.Powerful earthquake in Indonesia: all in footage! Exclusive video. Watch as we bring you the latest updates and footage from the affected areas.

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  1. Ini Video bukan di Indonesia,? Tetapi Indonesia negara yang paling sering terjadi gempa bumi, Tiga jenis gempa bumi di Indonesia yaitu:Tektonik, Vulkanik dan Sesar.

  2. Что тут скажешь Только слова сочувствия Люди все нажитое потеряли за минуты Вот говорят Природа живая все понимает Но смотришь на постоянные страшные разрушения и оказывается ей нет никого дела до нас Духи природы очень жестоки

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