surprise surprise some Bigfoot sightings in Winter green have been debunked we live in a world where technology isn’t just all around us it’s a key part of our lives in a whole lot of ways for example it used to be that the only way you could see things from above is if you had a special camera or the government allows you to see satellite footage like with Google Earth however these days we have drones and they’re easily one of the most fun ways to get a vantage point on all things in the world people use them for fun they use them to get dramatic shots for TV shows and movies and a whole lot more but just because you get that great footage doesn’t mean that you won’t sometimes see something that you didn’t expect so with that being said here now 19 creepiest things caught on camera by drones
► For copyright matters please contact us: newfifth1@gmail.com
Сплошная лажа и туризм американского вранья идиоты
I find it ironic that you complain about fake videos a lot but in MANY of your recent videos you fake your voice. 🤔 still a fan of the channel but just saying 😊✌️
3:24 is fake
Wow, this video was super fascinating! The footage you showcased really gives a new perspective on our world. But honestly, I can't help but wonder if sometimes these drone captures might be just a tad too invasive—like, do we really want to be peeking into places we shouldn't? Just a thought!
Thats enough now lay off the meth 😅
The clown vrs drone, was a clip from an episode of Moe Sargi on YouTube. It is very staged. He did a whole series of vids about crazy homeless people in IT clown costumes attacking him and Squatting in a house bought to flip.
No mammn. Este es el dedotes,,,,,😂😂😂
If you were the clowv in the corn field, please come forward to tell us your having no life story…
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
Please STOP flipping the picture back and forth! None of us like that! Amazed or horrified? I am horrified that you think you are fooling us by flipping the picture! You had to keep flipping it for it to look like the pterodactyl was kind of circuling. It's annoying and sometimes confusing when you keep flipping the picture.
The paranormal entity known as "it" is said to have existed before humanity.
Ya knowmpeople will believe anything that's posted online.
They do a circle also cos of a earthquake
Don´t propagate climate change!!! Unless you are a member of the Cabal??! It is a fake agenda to cause fear. Weather engineering if you may heard of???
14:20 drone didn't seem to help detect the fawn the tractor just about shredded…
Then, WHY the fuck doesn't China build a recycling Facility.
Then they won't have THOUSANDS of bycycles laying in a heep, and it could potentially create jobs for locals.
This is a message to all you billionaires and millionaires out there, you people can make a positive difference in your county.
All the best.
Robb Rowan.
when animals walk in circle like that, is they can feel when the earth shifts, or tilts to a different angle!
They using fishing lines to hold it up.
14:20 right after the narrator says it will alert the farmer to any fawns in the area to prevent them from being run over, it shows a fawn running out narrowly missing being run over by the tractor. Did anyone else see that?
Except that now we know why that large bone is on the back of its head: balance. I thought at first it was fake because the wing motion seemed jerky but then it's head and neck movement are flawlessly fluid. Why?
You are blissfully unaware if you actually believe that farmers are blissfully unaware.😂
Wow! The second to last video about dropping food to the dogs & other animals stranded by floodwaters was actually heartwarming. Almost enough to restore faith in humanity. Good on you to whoever was responsible for doing it. 👍
Growing up,my dad did some farming. He tractored over a rabbit nest. Mamma died .we tried to raise the babies but they all dies