Awesome God (Live)

Awesome God (Live)
Spread The Viralist

✨✨For His Glory Lifestyle✨✨

❤️ One the road to 1,000,000 Disciples of Christ
✝️ Follow Me as I Follow Christ
🌎 43 Nations and Counting
📱 CALL/TEXT: ‪(678) 369-1936‬

For His Glory Lifestyle✨, a channel where we will discuss all things associated with living for God’s Glory. We will have interviews with individuals who love God, those who are seeking Him, and those who have made it clear that they don’t want Him.

We will discuss relevant issues associated with politics, economics, social, technological, legal, and environmental issues…from a biblical viewpoint.

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  1. yes! The noble Jesus was an ordinary human being and he was the messenger of God. Jesus commanded us to worship God, and Paul commanded us to worship Jesus. which one will you choose? following the path of Jesus 'Alaihi wa Sallam or following Paul?

    Who was Mary's God before Jesus was born from Mary's womb???

  2. Look carefully at the lips of the people in this audience. Not one person is singing along with the words being sung on the loudspeaker. This is a fake video. Sorry Christians. Truth matters

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