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About the Author: Merely Animals


  1. Bot fly or bottle nosed horse flies are guite harmful because the larvae burrow deep into the intestines and suck on the mucosa or migrate into the lungs until they eventually kill the affected animal. THEY ARE ERY AGGRESSIVE

  2. I had a kitten that had 2 in his little neck.I thought he had a wound and squirted some medicine in the holes. About 5 minutes went by and they plopped out on the floor and died. I had no idea what a bot fly larvae was until then. My kitten slept for hours after that.He became my best buddy when he woke up!!!❤

  3. Poor little pet
    You can’t tell me that’s ok with that in the neck & the large hole it leaves when it’s taken out of course it’s dangerous & could go infectious
    Hope puppy is well now from this ordeal
    These things can cause serious complications & death at times
    Leaving a hole in the neck like that could cause serious infection to this puppy or any other animal

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