From scary footage captured in an old lodge to a really strange video that shows numbers in the sky, this scary footage is really strange. #Scary #Strange #SlappedHam
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7. strange Phemonia numbers in the sky… https://www.tiktok.com/@enigma_mind_set_/video/7193524854824488197
Astrological numbers in the sky ⭐️🎆🌟… https://www.tiktok.com/@mrs.anaa888/video/7045381514221063471
6. Haunted Masonic Lodge: Our Most INTENSE Paranormal Activity EVER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DDlsL9-kak
5. My moms restaurant is haunted and she doesn’t want to go back to work https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1h5hpl6/my_moms_restaurant_is_haunted_and_she_doesnt_want/
4. Amazing!… https://www.tiktok.com/@seasir2/video/6966752955416595718
3. Real skiwalker? 😰… https://www.tiktok.com/@yetilisk/video/7289557097241480481
2. hen you turn off the TV, you can see another child’s silhouette in the reflection… https://www.reddit.com/r/paranormal_zombie/comments/1gmf1ai/when_you_turn_off_the_tv_you_can_see_another/
1. Connor
By Hawea
The Black Hole
By Ethan Sloan
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
the octopuss was GREAT wow 😮
Blu beam and hologram technology laser
Man, here you go posting up dumb videos again…sigh that cow one, really????
Skinwalkers are Native American shamans who have the ability to shape shift at will.
The numbers across the sky over the beach is sky writing likely utilizing drones.
See, not all clips need to be scary…🐙☺️
Octopus 🐙 was the only thing worth watching.
So when is slapped ham gunna finally slap ham in an intro.
The numbers are skywriters writing out Pi. They do it on March 14th 3/14 for Pi day .
I'll be praying for you, stay safe, and Merry Christmas!❤
Wow a damn cow I've seen my neighbor turn but not into a cow he turn into a human part a asshole 😂😂 he can also turn into a D'^*:k 😂😂
Dude probs buried his legs in the sand and attached fake animal legs?
Where the fuck is "Aff-Ricker"? No such place!
Skin walker is fake as hell
All this transforming nonsense is from drugs consumed
The man transforming into cow is fake😂😂😂😂😂😂
444 that’s my birth number lol
Ok so the little kid in the tv reflection… i saw the 2nd child quickly pop up but can't anyone see the guys head? It's clearly right there it's right above the red arrow. Its almost like a man has his head right in front of the tv.
The cow man 😂😂😂
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Mahhhh mahhhh 😵💫
There are 2 labs ,one in Germany and the other in Switzerland is where they create satanic technology to project images to look as if there real also what do you think all these satellites are for that Elon musk is sending into orbit they are all part of this technology to deceive the world.
Well first video looks like The matrix coding for computer
Blue beam is real. This channel is made for kids under 12. They will fall for all this fake stuff. Your really bad at trying to pull off a fake
"Unhinged content" that's funny. Unhinged LOL.
Did the "skinwalker" lose his powers mid-transformation lmao
The cow one is ai ….
I would be interested in hearing the videos without back ground music. The music is so loud all the time a person can’t hear the EVP’s or other things.
Hmmm you ever think about he put his legs in a hole and put cow legs in his short pants?
I can't believe you bothered to post the double amputee with some dead animal legs placed around his leg stumps.
Kallen, this show of yours has turned into nonsense, we're unsubscribing and feel bad for your need for monetization and klik bate
Put a lid on that jar and its soup!
PI in the sky, thank you
look up numbers in the sky, videos 10 years plus.. makes me think mister ham here is spreading miss information
Those numbers in the sky video was 10 years old mister ham….
Why would a Skinwalker turn into a cow? That was a punishment.
Nobody deserves to be turned into a cow. I am laughing at the moo cry!
paranormal investigations would be better if they didnt add music to hide anything
The numbers in the sky are from a pre programmed drone swarm flight, recently China broke a world record for the longest and largest drone swarm consisting of thousands of drones and they performed elaborate displays of colours, images and patterns in the night sky.
Thrre will be a movie shown in the sky 2025
7) Skywriting is an old thing. 6) I never will buy into spirit boxes. They spew out out random words which the listeners turn into meaning something. Now they are phone apps which are marked as 'entertainment only'. Noises in an old building – duh. They can hear some noises, but their equipment can't pick it up, yet it can pick all kinds of other sounds. And we never know if the ghost hunters are really alone. So much of this stuff is staged for viewing. 5) Pretty darn solid 'ghost'. Just a person on camera. 4) Cool. 3) lmao – his real legs are in the sand. The mooing is just hilarious. You can see the tail is fake and he is sitting on it. And stop with the skinwalker. Skinwalkers are only found on NAVAJO lands. And they do not 'transform'. They wear the skin of an animal – you know – SKINwalker. 2) Blurry, can't see anything really. Something is being reflected but who knows what it might be. The kid isn't scared so it seems to be someone/thing familiar to the kid. 1) Person in costume. Most likely hoping to photobomb someone's photo and creep them out. Humans are weird.
I don't think you meant 1980s 😂
The numbers in the sky is planes it was done many times check you tube you will see just planes
today the images and videos are no longer proof