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Animal Fights
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Imagine the balls you must have to run towrads a bear to try to fight it with nothing but your two hands. Crazy!!
Legit a daydream scenario for any boys in school
the 3rd guy 100% ran
One hell of a story for the grand kids….thankfully,
that kid is a badass
ride or die
wait they said 4 college students but i only see 3
Not taking anything away from these guys, im sure they fought like hell…but until we hear the bears side of the story its purely speculative. And call me.crazy, but sounds like there was some 2v1 goin on also.
Cummings is a friend to the end!!!
For both these guys to come out with only ripped meat is absolute WIN! 💪
" how did you get that scar on your face?"
" a bear attack my friend and I fought him off."
Do you think these scars are bad you should have seen the bear!
Real friend and loyal . Most would of ran and saved themselves. A true friend!!
Yo. The KiD in grey, Bro, TalK About A good friend, not Only is this KiD the KinD of GREAT friend every guy on Earth Hope's to have, Cause they Don't and Most Never Will, but, This KiD, I Mean Specifically This KiD, This KiD Right Here, This Fkn KiD Ain't Just A Great Friend, THIS FKN KID IS THE MOST GANGSTER FKN FRIEND ANYBODY COULD POSSIBLY HAVE WITHOUT HAVING A FRIEND THAT'S LITERALLY A FKN MADE MAN……….
Go for the eyes.
Brave af, but this is why you always carry bear spray
No way this is real 😭
I imagine this creates the same kind of brotherly bond as soldiers going to to war together. True bravery.
"Jamie…" 😂
My guy you need to keep those friends close.. I got attacked by a human once and my “friend” ran… takes a lot of balls to step up and defend someone
Get these boys on the Rogan podcast, that’s insane what a friend.
Wheres joe rogan when u need him
Boys…..next time just take some bear spray with you when going into high risk environments
Way to cut the story short right at the most intense part. Maybe Mr Ballen will tell us the whole story.
This was Khabib's first professional fight. Clearly the bear tapped.
Don't let joe rogan find out about this, or do
The boy with the bandages looks pissed; seems like he's just itching for round 2 with the bear.
that kids a bad mf for stepping in to help his friend
Khabib approved
Clearly staged.
NGL that kids gonna have the coolest friggin scar on his face. "Oh how'd you get that scar?" "Oh, I got into a fight with a grizzly bear."
You are some of the bravest and loyal friends ever ……God Bless you all!!
Damn that kid got fuked upppp
Holy smoke, that's nuts! Respect! If your friends can't ride like this, you DON'T need them!!💯🫡