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About the Author: Admin


  1. Not taking anything away from these guys, im sure they fought like hell…but until we hear the bears side of the story its purely speculative. And call me.crazy, but sounds like there was some 2v1 goin on also.

  2. Yo. The KiD in grey, Bro, TalK About A good friend, not Only is this KiD the KinD of GREAT friend every guy on Earth Hope's to have, Cause they Don't and Most Never Will, but, This KiD, I Mean Specifically This KiD, This KiD Right Here, This Fkn KiD Ain't Just A Great Friend, THIS FKN KID IS THE MOST GANGSTER FKN FRIEND ANYBODY COULD POSSIBLY HAVE WITHOUT HAVING A FRIEND THAT'S LITERALLY A FKN MADE MAN……….

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