Golden Retriever Meets 4 Week Old Rescue Puppies

Golden Retriever Meets 4 Week Old Rescue Puppies
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Golden Retriever Meets 4 Week Old Rescue Puppies

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We rescued two absolutely tiny 4 week old rescue puppies. They then meet our rescue dog Maggie, our Doberman Moki, and our Golden Retriever Kobe. This is the first time they all met!

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About the Author: The Golden Kobe Family


  1. Both of you are so mature and compassionate,…"my kind: dog people", good trainers, handlers,..I believe you two would make good parents,…
    PM 12-24-24

  2. 👨🏿‍🦲👍🏿It is good to see Omni Sapiens exploring their connections to life on this planet. That something we Homo Sapiens lost a long time ago. An Omni Sapien is a human who DNA contains over 70% of humanities genetic diversity within them. You all are not biracial or half breeds…. you all are simply what is next. NEVER FORGET THAT AND NEVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT. You are Humanities future. Please protect that future. For all our sakes.

  3. This is Sooo Beautiful and Touching Right Now. And May Our Almighty Father God Bless & Keep this Beautiful Couple Forever too. Amen! 🙏🙏🙏🙌❤️💯👏🐶🐶 And for taking these two Sweet Cute little Baby Puppies into there home right now. And Especially with them already having three Big dogs now too. And they Truly Love the little ones already now too. 🙏🙌❤️💞🤗 I Really Want to get a Rescue Dog when I move into my house sometime in 2025 too. And I Always say if Everyone in the World or could just get One Rescue Dog or Cat now. There would be No Such thing as Animal Rescue Places in the World right Now or Ever too. 🙏🙌🐶😿💯💖👏

  4. Maggie was just warning the Doberman to calm down. We often don’t understand our dogs growls, it’s like a mom telling a kid ,don’t play rough around the baby. Sharp but necessary

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