Two dogs were victims of a hit-and-run (broken legs, broken pelvis, collapsed lung) 😓

Two dogs were victims of a hit-and-run (broken legs, broken pelvis, collapsed lung) 😓
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Your support helps us save homeless animals and get them to surgery as quickly as medically possible:

Adam was in the operating room just an hour after my arrival at the hospital (we needed to do X-rays to see the fractured leg and run blood work to make sure he was OK).

Chester suffered from a collapsed lung (in addition to a broken leg and a broken pelvis), so he couldn’t go to surgery right away. As soon as he was cleared for surgery, his bones were fixed, and his recovery was amazing as you’ll see at the end of the video.

On this rescue, two organizations collaborated with Hope For Paws.

Our friends at SAFE Rescue Team fostered Chester, and it didn’t take them long to find this little guy a loving forever home! They still have other dogs who are looking for a home, so please check them out here:

Our friends at I Stand With My Pack offered to foster Adam through his recovery, and this really cool dog is still looking for his loving forever home. To apply to adopt him, please visit:

The holiday season is here, and we’re working nonstop to save lives. Last night I was on a rescue until 11 PM… it was another long day.

Our ability to do this work completely depends on your support. There are so many components here – from a board-certified surgeon, a trauma ER doctor, and a 24/7 team of technicians to support this effort is expensive!

Please join us with a $5 recurring donation and become a part of this life-saving effort:

Thank you so much!



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  1. Mary Chatman is an amazing woman. For so many years she has alerted HFP about homeless animals. She is special as is all the Members at HFP. Thanks for saving Adam and Chester. Happy Holidays to everyone and every pet.👍👍

  2. I know what you do is hard, but so rewarding. I love everyone at HFP, bless you for saving these babies. They're so worth it. ❤️🐾

  3. Probably needless to say, but seriously over these many years that my husband & I have been watching & donating, we are always amazed at each & every rescue that we watch. Hope For Paws entire team are true heroes.

  4. Whoah, this is a hard watch, poor things but aren't dogs just amazing, Adam wagging his tail and jumping up to say hello even with his horribly broken leg, Chester being such a sweet little soul tho must have been in a lot of pain. Dogs are just angels. Am sure Adam will find his perfect home soon, he's so adorable. Well done HFP and Mary, you're all angels too xxx

  5. I pray that there's a Hope For Paws in Central Texas. Sooo many abandoned dogs in all of Central Texas. Please consider. Too many dogs, lost, abandoned, scared, hungry, even dying due to crossing the street. Please help them!!

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