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About the Author: PUMA BRAIGE


  1. DID THIS MYSELF DURING COVID toilet roll fights .Men and women in a frenzied free for all.
    Cat looks tame by comparison to Rabid toilet roll taking people.

  2. Well unfortunately, this cats owner has allowed its cat to get away with exerting his dominance. It's not good behavior. The Human feeds and cares for this animal. The owner from day 1 needs to let the cat know who's Boss. The Human needs to be the Alpha, especially dealing with a wild animal that really shouldn't be a pet anyway, but nonetheless, if you decide to get such a beast, an owner needs to do correction training straight off the nipple. That way, you'll have much more control over the animal, and it's behavior is much better which makes it safer for the owner in the long run. This particular animal shows the owner who's Boss. Those aren't playing around claw strikes, claws extended, imagine if the man were to put his face in this cats vicinity, wouldn't turn out so good for the owner.

  3. I really don't think this person realizes that this beautiful cat is just becoming more aggressive and extremely unhappy. It really is not a good combination!!!! When he or she attacks someone they will blame the cat. But I really believe that it's the owners behavior that is responsible for this cats aggressive behavior. Please, pay attention to what you are doing.

  4. Why are people owning wild animals, this is a young one, but what happens when it's older and you try to take something and get attacked, eaten..won't be funny then

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