Baseball Player DIES, Came Back with THIS Urgent Message | Near Death Experience #nde

Baseball Player DIES, Came Back with THIS Urgent Message | Near Death Experience #nde
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Baseball Player DIES, Came Back with THIS Urgent Message | Near Death Experience #nde

Bubba Herrick shares his profound near-death experience during a routine surgery, detailing the life review he underwent and the lessons learned from it. He discusses the challenges of reconciling this experience with his life as a college athlete and the journey of finding his purpose post-NDE. Bubba emphasizes the importance of healing from past traumas and living authentically, encouraging others to embrace their true selves and live with intention.

Connect with Bubba
IG @therealbubbaherrick


00:00 The Near-Death Experience
08:04 Life After the NDE
11:53 Finding Purpose and Identity
17:59 Becoming Ready to Die
24:10 Healing from Trauma
26:00 Living Authentically

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Hospice Nurse DIES, Reveals SHOCKING Encounter!
Paramedic DIES, REVEALS The SECRET To Getting Your DREAM LIFE.
Singer DIES, Uncovers The TRUTH Behind Our THOUGHTS.

Our channel is dedicated to exploring the enigmatic world of near-death experiences (NDEs).
Our hope with these stories and interviews is to provide hope and reassurance for those strugging with grief, depression or hopelessness.

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About the Author: Tales Of Resilience


  1. “And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.”
    ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    Jesus is Lord!

  2. Literally nothing in scripture will back this vid up or the thousands like it, folks get some discernment it's called emotionalism and mysticism. God isn't randomly selecting humans to die and see heaven or hell or anything so that then can report back to social media what they saw or heard. Such a mockery of how our sovereign God operates ocording to scripture. Listen carefully he says what ever higher power you believe in and I get emotional talking about it….does that sound like God's purpose or plan or will?? It's youtube these vids are meant to stir up emotions nothing more. Nothing said is in scripture and that's your proof!!

  3. You had a chance to stay I would have stayed that not even a question I usually never here option Jesus usually tell people they got go back because they have a work to do here on earth 🌍but I don’t know I have never had this experience but if I did I would definitely stay there in heaven

  4. I find that all these NDE experiences, are the same. I’m starting not to believe them because they’re all the same. Not to discount someone’s experience and, I do believe in God and, Heaven but, I now take these NDE experiences with a grain of salt.

  5. Jesus Christ is the ROAD to eternity

    and HOME with GOD.

    Salvation through CHRIST, creates a place of safety in DEATH.

    Only THE CROSS.. leaves “nothing on the table”


  6. Jesus He is the only hope we have to be given the gift of eternal life! I want everyone to know that! But with Jesus you have to surrender this life to His Way! You can't say I am a Christian but still everyday make your decisions based on what your wants and desires are! We must be willing to chose His Way over our own when it comes to sin! We must have a relationship with Him everyday..spending time with Him in prayer and worship..I always have believed…but God has opened up to me to get to know Him and the Holy Spirit the most be spending time in His Word the Holy Bible on a daily basis! Set a time and quiet place and pour your heart out to Him! Then open His book ask Him to reveal Himself to you and I promise you He will confirm things to you in your spirit! He saids if you knock the door will be opened..if you seek Him you will find Him! You will! We can pass from this world to Paradise where we will be in the presence of Jesus, Angels and loved ones who died saved! After that Jesus still has plans for you! DId you know you will actually come back with Him to earth when He comes to reign for 1000 years as King! Yes! All of this is in the bible! I hope I see you in heaven! God Bless!

  7. I am thinking of ways i can end my misery. Any thoughts? I want to leave this place. I never had a chance an now i am to old to help anyone i love including myself……..😞😔🥺😰

  8. Not even the slightest mention of Jesus or the Father; only talking about things of the world which is but filthy rags before the Lord. No spreading the Gospel of Salvation through the blood of Jeusus Christ on the cross and His resurrection and what thatmeans for each of us. It's not about you, dude. It's all about Jesus and his sacrifice for us and what we need to do to be weighed and not found wanting before the Lord when we get judged for our sins.

  9. We need to be ready to die, every single day. We need to have that relationship with The LORD Jesus Christ.. We need to be Saved (from hell) Born Again (of the Spirit). Jesus Christ died and rose from the grave that we who believe in him may obtain eternal life in and through him .. If you believe in gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ then from your sincere heart ❤️ come to Him . And you will be Saved. Romans 10:9-10) I as well believe we are running out of time, Today is the day of Salvation because tomorrow could be too late

  10. Right before he even mentioned his book, I had a feeling he was selling a book. A lot of these NDErs i don’t trust. They usually sell books or movies. One such case was “Alex Malarkey” ironic his name is Malarkey. Anyway Alex sold books and I think movies about his NDE but years later admitted that he lied about the entire thing.

    I always look at the motivations before I start trusting the NDE. This guy is definitely lying.

    There was an actor recently who had an NDE named Jeremy Renner. I trust his experience. He has zero motivation to lie about it because he’s a millionaire already. He has no motivation to lie about it to sell books or movie deals. And just the way Renner described it sounds more realistic compared to this guy in the video.

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