The CRAZIEST Near-Death Experience You’ll EVER Hear!
Karl Falken shares The CRAZIEST Near-Death Experience You’ll EVER Hear, taking you on an unforgettable journey from the moment he realized he was no longer alive to the astonishing sights he encountered and the dimensions he explored. How was he able to walk through walls or see with microscopic precision? What did he learn about crossing into other realms? In this eye-opening interview, Falken uncovers the truth about the age of accountability and reveals the startling percentage of people who actually make it to heaven. The CRAZIEST Near-Death Experience You’ll EVER Hear is packed with jaw-dropping details that will leave you speechless—this is truly a “grab your popcorn” kind of story. Don’t miss The CRAZIEST Near-Death Experience You’ll EVER Hear! 🍿CONTACT
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#deepbeliever #thecraziestneardeathexperienceyoulleverhear #nde #inspiration #karlfalken #heaventestimonies
I saw Karl’s testimony a few months ago then asked the Lord if this is true then I’d like my own experience. I reached out to Karl and the week he responded to me I had my very own near death experience. Karl was so kind to pray for me over a video call while I was in the ICU after my NDE in August 2024. THE LORD IS REAL. He came into my hospital room after a severe asthma attack and took me and showed me TIME and ETERNITY. Forever grateful that he restored my life 🙏🏾
Lady, consider being silent and let him relay his experience!! We really do not need your foolish questions.
It's funny how religuous NDEs always see Hell, demons, torture, etc;
Meanwhile, the thousands and thousands of NDEs everyday NONE see Hell. You see what you believe and fear.
So, let me get this straight, he was a Christian and accepted Jesus as his savior and still went to Hell? Not likely. Plus this is works based salvation. That means you have to earn it which means you can lose it and that's against what Jesus himself said. John 3:16. I don't think he's lying, I think he saw what he fears. Jesus is not about fear. Stop fearing. Fear can't enter Heaven. You'll have to face your fear. Perfect love cast out fear. I didn't accept Jesus because I feared Hell. I knew my life wasn't going in the right direction and I wanted to accept him. I wanted to do better.
Lots of fear-inducing, threats, submissions and compromises based on some thought forms communicating telepathically. Is it really how a totally sovereign being would treat an equally sovereign soul that is itself basically? With disappointment? Anger? Huge guilt-tripping? Just because that soul experiences something dictated by a collective field? Could we sometimes just think outside the box of dogmas, labels and judgements billions have been indoctrinated with? Because if this is reality, I'm out. I don't think it even comes close to our true nature of unconditional love, freedom and authority. Not a bit.
Oh look another auther trying to sell books
Wow what an amazing testimony.
What a great and educational interview. Time to use this good info and be more Christ like!
She is an excellent and masterful host/interviewer. I like how she follows the speaker and ALL of her questions are always on point.
OK – so all this happened, according to him, not from his own mind, but it really happened. As far as I can see, he has a very logical mind and can really think on his own. But he has a very ingrained Christian belief system. The outcome for his life was good and according to his way of thinking – fundamental Christ stuff.
Let’s not even talk here about other religions, like Buddhism where there is no god. Let’s talk about Before the Common Era, when there was no Jesus and no Holy Ghost, nor demons the way Christians think of them. What happened then?
At the earliest, we think there were the Earth spirits – the spirits of the trees and animals, the male sun and the father. And the Earth who was female and much more important than the sun. The sun spirit was strong, but so was the earth’s. The spirit of volcanoes, the winds, the corn, the rain, the buffalo. . . No Jesus. No son of god. There were many offspring of the main male gods – and before that of the earth.
They saw a completely different afterlife! Hebrews, Hindus, Native Americans both North & South, the Egyptians – what did they see? Jesus is a newcomer. What spirit was he before Christianity? There are many spirits still. To me, the best spirit to see would be one who said to take care of each other, be peaceful, take care of the earth and her plants, her creatures, and herself. That’s what I see as important – not worshipping a god who is narcissistic and wants adoration. Jesus, himself did not want that!!! Take care of each other, no matter what the belief. We don’t have to love our neighbor, just care about them, the creatures of the earth, the lands, the waters, the minerals we mine – Mother Earth! 🌎 🌏🏞️💨🔥🌊🍇🌽🍠🌿🌲🌵💐🌾🦋🪲🦎🐢🐙🐠🐬🦭🦦🪺🦜🦉🦇🐿️🐈🐕🦌🐑🐖🐄🦘🐘🦓🐒🦧👶🏻👶🏾🧒🏽👦🏻👩🏾🦱🧑🏼🦱👩🏻🦰🧔🏽♂️👴🏿👵🏻🇺🇳
(Re: a new deep believer death experience)
If you hear other people's experiences. The only ones who have this type of experience are those who know about the Christian faith
Im not Christian but I'm listening for entertainment. So far it sounds like a lot of people's experiences when they die. Gonna keep listening and give my opinions after
The interviewer was kinda annoying, let him tell the entire story before asking him questions
I think the hell does not exists. Those visions are the own fears and projection that souls gets firmly to itself. Do not fear, ask sincere forgiveness and then the heaven will be there for you. Do not create this horrible experiences in your soul please. God is good, is pure love and forgiveness. (Sorry for my english, I am spanish speaker)
My mom had a near death experience and whilst she didn’t see Jesus, she said she was walking along the very same river bank
Astral Projection is not New Age. It's actually 'old age."
That was indeed absolutely amazing. Thank you all.
Just telling his story, no need to get over exited about it. What a great testimony, the detail and honest description makes it powerful. As a German I feel homely with his rather dry ways. ❤
is there a picture of Jesus behind this man? i havent noticed it before.anybody sees Him?
Yeah, no, it's exactly like the movie, Ghost. Someone certainly drew off some kind of experience indeed. 👀
One thing I must add. About what you owe… some things you are unable to pay back and that's when you forgive everyone you can think of and thereby get your own forgiveness from Jesus. 🙌❤️🔥🙌🕊️
In Joel 2:28 of the Bible it states:
And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.
Well, to some, I am an old man—72. To others, not so much. About a year ago, I had a dream—well, not quite a dream and not quite a vision. You can make up your own mind.
I was starting to wake from a long night's sleep. I was not quite awake and not quite asleep, somewhat in the middle of both.
I saw myself inside a very dark room. I could tell it was a room because I could see a door. It was outlined by a very bright light emitting from the top, bottom, and all sides.
As I had back problems I started towards the door while looking down. The way I always walk these days.
As I got nearer to the door I could make out the round-shaped door knob. I twisted it to open and go through the door. It began to open and I was instantly bathed in the most brilliant light I could have ever imagined could exist!
As I tried to focus my eyes I turned to look back from where I was. There I saw what looked like a black and white movie. I was the title of that movie as it INSTANTLY reviewed my whole life. No color. It didn't look real. It wasn't real.
When my sister and I were just toddlers my mother would keep us quiet while traveling in the car by putting Emer's glue on our hands. Stay with me. I will explain how this fits in. She would blow on it so it would dry.
As it was very strange to us it piqued our imagination and we stopped crying and focused on our hands. Once it was dry my mother would begin to peel it off our hands. Then tell us to take the rest of it off ourselves. It felt weird but soothing. We stopped crying. It did what she intended it to.
Here's how this fits in. As I looked away from what I understood was the black-and-white fake world and turned to look past the door once again, my body began to split. This was not a dream. It felt real. It was real.
As the Elmer's glue felt weird but soothing at the same time, so too was this splitting in half of my body. It started with the top of my head, falling away down to my feet. It almost felt and sounded like Velcro being separated.
When it finished I looked down at both the sides where my body now rested. It was a horrible vision. It looked like fat saturated by dirt and oil. Jiggling there on the ground.
But I felt very light. Whatever it was that fell off me was extremely heavy and I was lighter than air itself now. It was the best I have ever felt in 71 years!
I was now excited to know what lay past the door so I began to go through it. Of course, looking down at the ground as I previously explained.
Going through now I saw a very small patch of grass. My heart still sours thinking of it! It was REAL! The way the grass is supposed to be. I instantly understood this! Beautiful, fantastic, amazing! These words and no words in any language could describe the vivid color and the feelings it gave to me.
I understood not by spoken words but by instant understanding that I began to enter the real world leaving the black and white fake behind.
Oh, my heart was leaping from anticipation of seeing what else was behind the door. But as I began to go further through it, it slammed shut on me and I felt instant sorrow.
No words were spoken. I heard no voice or voices. Only understanding. Immediate understanding. I could not go completely through the door until I was pure spirit. My physical body, even though feeling like it fell off me, could not enter the real spirit world.
Ladies and gentlemen this was more real than ANYTHING I have ever experienced in my 71 years on earth! We are living in a fake world. Temporary. Something like the Eagle's song, "Hotel California." Only trying to check in and not out.
The eternal awaits us once was do check out. Even if we live to one hundred years, a thousand years, a million, billion, it is nothing to eternity!
Why was I given this experience? What makes me so special is to be shown a tip of the real. I have no answer for you. I am in no way special. I have however begun praying and finding truth. Jesus Christ is the truth.
I believed this was a gift from Heaven. Showing me what was happening to me, what was going to happen to me if I continued to pray and to give thanks to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! I know there will be a lot of people who will scoff at this completely. And that is sad.
Sad because it happened and is real. Take it from an old man who has been around this world and has had a ton of things laid on his table. Believe it or not. It is sad for those who will not until they enter the spirit and eternal world only to find out it is now too late.
Thank you for reading this small book and sticking with it. But I have to tell you this every time I get the chance. God bless you all. May the Glory of God's real world fall upon you!
Jesus saves, the church condemns.
I am now terrified I won’t go to heaven. My heart actually went cold. I am beyond sad.
PLEASE PRAY FOR MY BROTHER TOM, He collapsed tonight. With internal bleeding. Pray the blood stops, they find out what is wrong & God/Jesus fixes it. On the 29th is his 65th B-day. He needs prayers so please Pray, SO Jesus can intervene for us. & Heal the Nicest/sweetest man you ever knew. ❤ He helps everyone. Even when they Don't deserve it. & never takes credit for what he does. He has a heart of Gold. We need Prayer to intervene Heaven. Thank You.😊❤
This is so eye opening!! Thank you!
Totally made up story!
Karl comes across as a legalistic work based Christian both before and after the NDE, he just added new things on his list of religious self effort, must-dos-to-possibly-escape-hell. It was demons giving him visions of hell. Demons lie. It was demons reading him the law of Moses and accusing him. Then Jesus appears, emanates unconditional love – but says that Karl has to go back to earth to save his children from hell with no guarantee that his children or himself will get saved unless he gets "things perfect, letter perfect." This is religious legalism and condemnation, not the gospel. This is not the voice of Jesus. It is not in line with his character as described in the Bible. So this testimony does not add up. It rings false, one way or another.
Jeesch i can't… interviewer keeps interrupting
I wish the host would not interrupt so much. It kills all that's good about the interview. It's what separates good interviewers and poor ones.
Shut up,, I hate when someone interrupts me all the time,to the point i cant even think
Shut up so he can talk,you dont have to repeat everything he is already said,so annoying,his story,not yours
my life is destroyed, I begged God and Mary spoke to me, I was picked because I am the best
I found so much truth in your experience. Faith Hope and Charity are the answer. ❤
I am curious. If you have a spirit body, yet you can feel all those feelings of the various awful pain, in Hell ????. Things like thirst, hunger, and all the nasty feelings demons do to you. That brings me to another point, can there be touch feelings between a man and a woman, can you feel a persons embrace, and all the rest? A big stretch, but I have had a lifetime of various unfortunate happenings to me, a bit OCD like, a huge stretch but when I was younger, I did complain about 'demons' after a long stay in a hospital. I am big and healthy now, but a bit of turmoil inside, at times.
he says he never panics – that he's a logical thinker, but everyone panics – its an automatic reaction, a primitive part of our bodies that react that way. He may not want to admit that he panics, perhaps he feels it's a character issue, but its not, its a natural human reaction to a situation.
in addition he says he doesn't allow himself to fear which is not real either – fear is an automatic reaction – a primitive reaction to events that threaten us, its part of our automatic nervous system – i think he views panic and fear as a negative thing that speaks of poor character but he is mistaken to say he doesn't experience them – every human being alive does – its part of how we are made.
if he is saying that he controls his panic and fear then that is a different thing –
I do not believe this guy.
Thank you for this message. God bless you – I am deeply touched.
Brillant amen