Fortunately all jumpers were safe and no one was hurt during this
Ok whos next?
Where is the reserve? 😮
Third jumper late pull fault
Total spastics
Everyone always watches this from the top but if you ever go you need to go lay down on the ground looking up from one of those big rocks on the side of the river.
points There's yer problem!
That last guy didn't even try getting he's parachute hes brain not working no more parachute for you.
Probably should’ve gone through there pre-departure plan what’s gonna happen after they leave the ramp
Not an accident they jumped!
As the culprit goes on to a smooth landing
Is it safe to jump off a balcony like that because I wanna to go, but I’m only seven so how old do you have to be to jump off of that anyway tell me later I love you guysDo you love me?
Never understood the desire to put your life in danger for fun.
Very good
Thanks buddy!!
Thanks God
Jesus that was scary
Play nice children
When I saw them hit it I thought they where both dead
Why do several people jump so close together? It seems inevitable that they might collide.
They last guy through he was james bond or something.
Attempted suicide
Queue dan wait for your turn. There is a reason during water slides, we wait for seconds to minutes before finally sliding down. Keeping distance with others, is much better safe than sorry.
"Life is precious; don't waste it this way."
They did it on purpose..the upper guy who tangled in the parachute of lower guy didnt open the chute .. secondly he was manuuerbing his self to keep his body in line with lower guy parachute
Totally avoidable.. it's like dude was aiming for the parachute
Why the fuck was that person who crashed on parachute wasn't opening his parachute
I laughed so hard i almost dropped my cherry mobile fully cracked, 2gigabyte, very slow charging up to 5 hrs ,with bloated battery, installment and not original charger
Fortunately all jumpers were safe and no one was hurt during this
Ok whos next?
Where is the reserve? 😮
Third jumper late pull fault
Total spastics
Everyone always watches this from the top but if you ever go you need to go lay down on the ground looking up from one of those big rocks on the side of the river.
points There's yer problem!
That last guy didn't even try getting he's parachute hes brain not working no more parachute for you.
Probably should’ve gone through there pre-departure plan what’s gonna happen after they leave the ramp
Not an accident they jumped!
As the culprit goes on to a smooth landing
Is it safe to jump off a balcony like that because I wanna to go, but I’m only seven so how old do you have to be to jump off of that anyway tell me later I love you guysDo you love me?
Never understood the desire to put your life in danger for fun.
Very good
Thanks buddy!!
Thanks God
Jesus that was scary
Play nice children
When I saw them hit it I thought they where both dead
Why do several people jump so close together? It seems inevitable that they might collide.
They last guy through he was james bond or something.
Attempted suicide
Queue dan wait for your turn. There is a reason during water slides, we wait for seconds to minutes before finally sliding down. Keeping distance with others, is much better safe than sorry.
"Life is precious; don't waste it this way."
They did it on purpose..the upper guy who tangled in the parachute of lower guy didnt open the chute .. secondly he was manuuerbing his self to keep his body in line with lower guy parachute
Totally avoidable.. it's like dude was aiming for the parachute
Why the fuck was that person who crashed on parachute wasn't opening his parachute
I laughed so hard i almost dropped my cherry mobile fully cracked, 2gigabyte, very slow charging up to 5 hrs ,with bloated battery, installment and not original charger