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About the Author: Tustin.Hamburg


  1. They should be ashamed of the act they pulled on this part human and part animal interbreed with a woman probably injected a monkey sperm in to the woman, human legs arms hardly no gorilla fur hair human face look at the neck, and the face ears . Mortal man man! Tampering with God"s creation again . The rapture will visit upon all man kind for the few that have committed. Time against nature in no other way to see it period.

  2. This is something made. Up. We ALL have life. However, HUMANS are not an evolution from animals no matter what similar qualities we may have.
    Judgement, discretion. Discernment and thoughtful action to it's manifestation are measurable qualities of human performance.
    Why have we never seen an evolution before our eyes of an ape becoming man?

  3. a me , quelli che tirono fuori per ogni evenienza , : – LA INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE – vuol dire , che non ha cervello per pensare e si fa , .guidare da altri che non hanno una morale e ne intelligenza .personale –

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