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Bekruz (IG: @bekruz_hamzaev) → Kazakhstan Series
Oro (IG: @oromotion) → Puerto Rico Series
Chef Abbys (IG: @chefabbys) → Ghana Series
*Calvin (IG: @fkndeliciousness) → Vietnam Episodes*
Lamb Brisket & Intestines → Kazakhstan
Crocodile Lechon → Puerto Rico
Raw Rotten Fish & Grilled Snake → Cambodia
Rotten Pork Stew → Philippines
*Milk Lungs → Kazakhstan*
Cow Sh*t Juice Soup → Philippines
Grilled & Roasted Farm Rats → Cambodia
*Maggot-infested Rotten Fish → Cambodia*
Tarantula Eggs → Cambodia
Garbage Can Chicken → Philippines
Sheep Stomach → Kazakhstan
Bat Wings → Philippines
*$163 Noodles → Vietnam*
Spicy Fried Snails → Ghana
Cricket Soup → Cambodia
Sheep Head Yawn → Kazakhstan
Bekruz Milking a Horse → Kazakhstan
*Fight in Ghana → Ghana*
Oro Making Sausages → Puerto Rico
Sonny Thinks He’s Cool → Puerto Rico
*Pig Lechon → Puerto Rico*
Expensive Beef Wellington → England, UK
Roasted Pork → Ghana
Camel Steak → Kazakhstan
Okra Soup with Oxtail and Shrimp → USA
Uyghur Muslim Food!! China Will Ban Me For This!! → Kazakhstan
Inside Africa’s Billion Dollar Bushmeat Industry!! → Ghana
Eating Philippines Rotten Pork Delicacy with Apo Whang Od!!
*The Philippines Heartbreaking Street Food!! Garbage Can Chicken / Pag Pag!!*
Catching 10,000 Shrimp for Shrimp & Grits!! → USA
*The Philippines Heartbreaking Street Food!! Garbage Can Chicken / Pag Pag!!*
Eating in Africa’s WILDEST Fish Market!! Seafood Factory!! → Ghana
The USA Seafood That Kills 100 Americans a Year!!
Asia’s Maggot-Covered Delicacy!! I REACHED MY LIMIT!! → Cambodia
Farming and Eating Vietnam’s Most Dangerous Animal!!
Manila’s Most Expensive Buffet!! Filipino Fine Dining!! → Philippines
Harshly Judging Mall Food in USA’s Biggest Mall!!
$1000 Seafood Challenge in Hong Kong!! We Went OVER BUDGET!
*Rich Man Buffet vs Poor Man Buffet in Taiwan!!*
Italy’s Cheapest and Most Expensive PIZZA!! Worse Than Pizza Hut!!
Sheep Eyeball → Kazakhstan
Rice Balls → Ghana
Fish Balls → USA
Bread Ball (Adaakwa) → Ghana
Stomach Balls (Manti) → Kazakhstan
*Cow Testicles (Bats and Balls) → Philippines*
0:00 » Intro
0:41 » Year Recap
7:35 » Best Ever Baby, Layla
8:32 » Best ever food India
9:05 » BEFRS Team Appreciation
10:52 » (1) Best Co-Host
12:13 » (2) Most Unique Food
13:43 » (3) Scariest Food
15:09 » (4) Best Food Reaction
16:21 » (5) Most Awkward Moment
18:15 » (6) Most Mouth-Watering Meat
19:44 » (7) Most Enlightening Episode
21:55 » (8) Best Episode
23:06 » (9) Best Second Channel Video
24:30 » (10) Best Balls
25:40 » Conclusion/Outro (Peace!)
#BEFRS #BestEverFoodReviewShow #Sonny #BestyAwards #Food #Travel
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Susanne Smarr, Jim Klingsporn, Leo Lui, Sam Cassidy, Venetia Edmunds, Jack Murray, Eimile Nakoma, Jack Li, Stephen Balasta, Louis Chisari, Ryan Rhodes, Paul Citulski, Matthew Holden, David Baliles, Jackson Li, John Logan.
Hi, I’m Sonny! From the US, living in Asia for 10+ years & started making food/travel videos to document my experiences. I travel the world, hunting & documenting the most unique food everywhere.
See factual errors? Comment. Huge fan of trying interesting foods in each country. Show’s from a Western POV, more importantly, MY POV. Not meant to offend any person/culture. Peace!
COLOR & MASTER » Quí Nguyễn
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Cow balls in Philippines
You just talk too much turn into so boring in this video.
After your TV show one of guys died. He was guide or something. Did they hurt him because he spoke out against what was going on with people. Or was it actually an accident
You tube is whiners, you have guts to eat these foods, guts watch it.
Cow shit soup, nope…. There's a lot of things on that channel that I would eat but that is definitely not. I don't want to be in the vicinity of it even being made
You need to do a One Bite challenge with beardmeatsfood but he finishes your food Until one of you quits.
Congratulations on the baby . You are going to be an awesome dad
How did Travis pass ?Was he ill because he looked in good health.
How that happened you asked? Man, we don’t want the details
congrats Sonny. All the best to you and your family!
Hey dad sonny congrats! Why don't you try to eat an exotic Philippine frog and snails in the rice fields. Try catching them on the evening it's very fun to catch it and worth to eat. Philippine frog in the rice field tastes like a native chicken that's why some of filipino that lives in provinces it's their daily delicacies or vian to survive..And also try to eat a cat fish it's very yum and delicious if you cook it in an adobo style with lots of black beans & black pepper with chillies yumm!

My first time voting but I’ve been watching the show 5 yra

Terus dan terus kuliner bebagai macam dibelahan dunia ini. Sehat selalu

If you need a security guard. I got you
“ For the people who complained about it . For something existing. who didnt have to watch. Thank u”

Congratulations Sonny to become father.
I hated my mind when I saw I had a baby
I was shocked
Congrata Sonny on becoming a father!!!!

Congratulations on your baby and becoming a dad! And congratulations to your wife
God bless you and your family. 
Congratulations Sonny! Been watching you on Facebook when it was only you with a Go Pro on your head. I remember you riding a moped holding on to the driver and it was only you and your camera. My number 1 food reviewer ever! Congratulations again Sonny!
Glad to see my country won the most awkward moment

Congratulations Sonny and welcome to fatherhood.
U should go 2 el salvador
Calvin is not funny at all. Sorry. This forced cringy humor…
I would say the grossest thing is the tarantula eggs from Cambodia. Just… Hard no. It's like the movie "The thing" living inside you.
You’re the best

you keep making videos I’ll keep watching!!!

Congrats Sonny on the birth of your newborn!
Can't wait for the China series. I know that "our " version of Chinese food is probably different, but I would love to see the differences. Happy holidays to the team at BEFRS!
Dang that baby looking Chinese
5:12 is the moment the world has been exposed to the most AMAZING NEWS one person could ever have happen to them. One day so many years down the road you will hopefully think back and thank… anyone… that it happened. congratulations dad. I cant wait to see the transformation in this channel after this new realization HAhaha. after watching so many hours of your experiences the most excited i am for you is the one you face now and is just starting. God bless you and your family, God bless America, and go Vikings its time we dont get let down. So proud you are from MN!
where is My – she is the formal producer now??