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Natural disasters are among the most destructive forces on Earth, leaving devastation and chaos in their wake. In this video, we explore the most powerful earthquakes, deadly tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and wildfires. Learn how climate change and global warming are intensifying these events and what you can do to prepare. Stay informed with survival tips, emergency preparedness strategies, and real-life footage of nature’s most dramatic moments. Don’t forget to subscribe for more!
The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Mud, Landslide, Landslide, Avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster, Flood, Flood;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest.
#NaturalDisasters, #Earthquake, #Tsunami, #Hurricane, #Tornado, #VolcanoEruption, #Floods, #Wildfires, #ClimateChange, #GlobalWarming, #ExtremeWeather, #DisasterPreparedness, #SurvivalTips, #DisasterRecovery, #EmergencyPreparedness, #DisasterRelief, #RescueOperations, #NaturalDisasterCompilation, #EnvironmentalDisaster, #DisasterAwareness, #NaturalDisasterFacts, #Storms, #EnvironmentalCrisis, #NaturalDisasterSurvival
A natural disaster is a serious adverse event caused by natural processes on Earth; Examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, rain, hail, wildfires, waves, wind, snow, weather, and other geological processes.
Wow, this video was super intense! The way you captured these moments really drives home the unpredictability of nature. But honestly, I can't help but think that some of the footage might glorify tragedy. Like, shouldn't we be focusing more on the resilience of people rather than just the horror? Just a thought!
Мне одной кажется, что специально нагоняют жути, якобы это происходит по всему миру, Швейцарию выдают за Тайвань, Китай и так по все странам одни и те же кадры. Даже наплевав на то, что иероглифы на банерах и на домах, без всякого стеснения.
Saadi » Bostan » In the Prayer of God »
Part 1 – Beginning
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In the name of God, the Giver of Life
The Wise One in the Tongue
God, the Forgiving One, the Arrested
The Gracious One, the Forgiver
The Beloved One, Whomever He Enters
He Whose Door He Enters
He Whose Door He Enters, He Finds No Honor
The Head of the Proud Kings
To His Door on the Land of Need
He Neither Takes the Rebellious Immediately
He Nor Drives Away the Apologists in a Proper Way
And If He Gets Angry for a Bad Deed
How Did You Return? Write the Story
If Someone Fights with His Father
The Father Will Undoubtedly Get Angry
And If His Own Self Is Not Satisfied with Himself
How Did He Drive Away His Strangers
And If His Slave Is Not Swift in Work
He Is Not Dear to God
And If You Are Not Merciful to Your Friends
Let Your Friend Run Far Away from You
If He Forsakes Your Service An army
may the king of armies be defeated
but the God of the high and low
does not close the door of sustenance to anyone through rebellion
His two buttocks are a drop from the ocean of knowledge
He sees sin and covers it with patience
The earth's abode is his common table
What enemy or friend is there on this feast of plunder
If you rushed upon the oppressor
who were you safe from his wrath?
Free his essence from the accusation of the opposite sex
Rich, his kingdom from the obedience of jinn and humans
The caretaker of his affairs is everything and everyone
Humans, birds, ants and flies
So wide is the worm-reader
That the Simorgh is divided into a corner
The subtle worm-spreader, the useful one
Who has a character and knows the secret
May his poison reach him, greatness and semen
Whose essence is ancient and his essence is rich
He places the crown of fortune on one's head
He buries the other in the ground from the throne
The hat of happiness on one's head
The carpet of cruelty on one's body
He makes a flower garden, a fire on Khalil
A group is set on fire from the water of the Nile
If that is, it is the charter of his kindness
And this is the confirmation of his command
So let him see the veil of his bad deeds
He too, with his own veil, covers himself
If he threatens to draw the blade The verdict
Like the cherubim, I should pray and pray
If it hurts, a generous prayer
Azazel says, I will go to the door of His grace and greatness
The great ones, He has placed greatness on the head
The humble ones with near mercy
The supplicants are answered with the call
On the destroyed states, His knowledge is insightful
On the unspoken secrets, His grace is knowledgeable
On the power, the guardian of the high and low
The Lord of the Court of the Day of Account
No one is free from His obedience
Nor is there a finger mark on His word
The ancient, the doer of good deeds
By the trick of fate in the womb
From east to west, the fog and the sun
He moved and set the universe on water
The earth came from the fever of trembling
The mountain nail fell on its skirt
Give the sperm a face like a fairy
Who has made the water a form?
He placed a ruby and a pearl in the stone's core
A ruby in the horn of a pearl of color
He threw a drop from the cloud towards Yam
He threw a sperm in the womb
From that drop, he made a lily flower
And this, he raised his head
Not a single particle of knowledge is hidden from Him
For whom the visible and the hidden are one
The provider of sustenance for snakes and ants
Even though they are limbless and have no limbs
And by His command, existence is imprinted from non-existence
Who knows that there is no one except Him to make?
Another path led to the secret of nothingness
And there to the desert of the Hereafter
The world, which has attained its divinity
Descended from the core of its essence
Man has not found beyond its glory
The sight of its utmost beauty
Neither has the bird of illusion flown over the summit of its essence
Nor has the hand of understanding reached beneath its description
In this abyss the ship sank a thousand
Without finding a plank on the side
How many nights have I sat on this journey, lost
That terror seized my sleeve that Qom
The knowledge of the King is all-encompassing
Your comparison to Him should not be the environment
Neither has your understanding reached the core of its essence
Nor has your thought reached the depth of its attributes
Your power in eloquence reached the companions
Nor has it reached the core of the Glorious One
That the special ones have driven the Persians on this path
To The countless are inferior to the single
Not everywhere can the compound be used
Where shields must be thrown
And if a seeker becomes a secret mahram
They tie him up on his way back
Someone in this feast will be given alms
Whose anesthetic is given
One has his eyes sewn shut
One has his eyes wide open and his feathers are burned
No one has reached the treasure of Qarun
And if he has reached it, he has not returned
To the people in this wave of the sea of blood
No one has reached his shores, the ship has gone out
If you are a seeker of the earth
First, follow the horse of return
Contemplate in the mirror of your heart
Gradually achieve purity
Doesn't the smell of love intoxicate you
The seeker of the covenant of love seduce you
Follow the seeker's path to that place
And there, on the wings of love, fill the curtains with pain The imagination
is not a veiled image except glory
There is no other compound of the intellect
It is surprising that twenty
In this sea, no one went except a shepherd
It is lost because he did not follow the caller
Those who have turned away from this path
They have gone many and are lost
A person has chosen a path contrary to the Prophet
who will never reach the home
Saadi thinks that the path of Safa
can be followed except by following Mustafa
Part 2 – In the Naat of the Master of the Messengers, peace and blessings be upon him: Karim As-Sajaya Jamil-Al-Shim » 786
Worldly lovers, due to greed, are all documented
They all worship Moses and Pharaoh
Every covenant they made with God
They all broke it due to greed 786
Allah görünür görünmez her türlü afetten korusun
I’m sad for the people’s homes that got destroyed from the storm😢
You can thank human greed and stupidity for this destruction and this is only the beginning earth will make all mankind pay for what they have done to this planet
Показывают все, кроме Швейцарии, китай, индию, сплашная чушь.
Repent and love one another. ❤
Where in the world
Представьте себе разрушительные силу всемирного потопа. Когда горы были под водой.
Деньги Верните России и будете жить спокойно!
Ну да,Швейцария,а на рекламных плакат иероглифы😂😂😂
Всички ресурси на планетата отидоха в банките. ЧЕСТИТО. Ненаситната алчност води до там. Трупайте пари тъпанари. ЛГБТ наркомани брокери и банки
Откуда пальмы в Швейцарии и почему слышен тайваньской язык? Собираете со всего света? Ай яй яй, как не стыдно! 😂😂😂😂😂
Классно снято🎉
За Палестин
ان كلها قدرة الله وان الطبيعة لا دخل بامور الله .
لان الكل بعيدين من عبادة الله .ولكن الكل يتاباها بقتل الأنفس والفتن وشهادة الزور وقتل الأبرياء من دون سبب ومن قتل نفسا بغير حق كأنما قتل الناس جميعا…..
فاعفوا إلى الله لكي يغفر ويرحمكم ….
This is the wrath of the Most High, repent and ask him to forgive you and your ancestors;
Wisdom of Solomon 5:21-23
[21]Then shall the right aiming thunderbolts go abroad; and from the clouds, as from a well drawn bow, shall they fly to the mark.
[22]And hailstones full of wrath shall be cast as out of a stone bow, and the water of the sea shall rage against them, and the floods shall cruelly drown them.
[23]Yea, a mighty wind shall stand up against them, and like a storm shall blow them away: thus iniquity shall lay waste the whole earth, and ill dealing shall overthrow the thrones of the mighty.
اية طبيعة ياترى بل غضب الله والله يفعل مايشاء
الرجوع إلى الله ورفع الظلم بينكم ياناس…
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Time has come today
Thanks for the information 😮😮😢 stay safe 🙏