Top 10 Deadliest Natural Disasters 🌋 #shorts #top10

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Dont forget to subscribe to Lifeguardly! We’re countdown the Top 10 Deadliest Natural Disasters. From Hurricanes to Earthquakes, landslides to Tsunamis, these events have claimed the lives of thousands of people.

Watch as we explore the 10 deadliest natural disasters and learn about the events that have caused the most death and destruction. We’ll also give you tips on how to stay safe during natural disasters, so you can stay safe and out of harm’s way!

#youtubeshorts #top10 #naturaldisasters #deadliest #photos #education #aiart


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About the Author: Lifeguardly


  1. 10. Hailstorm
    These are pretty dangerous. Stay indoors or smth
    9. Indooring swell
    8. Cat on paused mode
    They are sleeping😴
    7. Portal to hell
    Dont ever go inside that portal.
    6. Blizzards
    Icefalls, avalanches can eccour with this.
    5. Drought
    This can happen due to extreme heat.
    4. Extreme Heat
    Stay indoors!
    3. Extreme cold
    Pretty much the same as extreme heat, but colder.
    2. Matrix Glitch
    [Edited] [Not Real]
    1. Rock from space
    If you went to space, this could happen.

  2. But I have to say about three more of these why are fires is crazy I don’t know how people die that much. It was probably best for them not to go in the forest. If there was a wild fire then the second thought I learned is earthquakes are kind of dangerous and usually I don’t know how it happens butmy first suggestion is drought is crazy no Bro

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